
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Regarding "SSL_connect failed with error"

The following message started showing up in DISE since yesterday:

SSL_connect failed with error -208: error state on socket

First off, I'm sorry for the trouble. I didn't foresee that DISE would get this problem.

I bought and installed a new, more secure SSL certificate for my websites. The reason was that users of Google Chrome stopped being able to load my websites using secure connections. Unfortunately, this means that DISE now doesn't trust the new certificate, because it trusts only the CA (Certificate Authority) I used previously, which was StartCom. With the new CA being Comodo, I'll need to update the certificate in DISE in a future update.

This is related to automatic updates, so if you don't wish to see the error, the only suggestion I have right now is to disable automatic updates within DISE. You can still download DISE from the website and install the new version over the old one.

How to disable automatic updates (and get rid of the error)

Go to the main menu, then Tools > Preferences

Under General > Notifications, untick "When update was found".

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Release: EDI tools (version a9158f6)

Updated the tools, but most important is the addition of the actual save editor for Escape Dead Island.

At the moment, neither Steam cloud, Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 is officially supported, but support for all of these is planned.

Download (1.6 MB)


  • New save-editor tool.
  • Save-data dumps shouldn't display a type for the root key.
  • Updated documentation. It explains some things you can mod with the save editor.
  • Executables are now digitally signed.


Monday, December 1, 2014

Release: Updated and more EDI tools (version db9c02e)

I've made more progress with Escape Dead Island. That's not to say that there's a lot to do with the game though. The most helpful tool right now is the one that dumps save-data into a human-readable format. Everything is sorted as well, so we can easily spot difference between save-points.

For example, between two save-points, I saw that I received a medkit and a +3 health bonus, including some collectibles, other stats, and lots of other uninteresting objects' in-game state had also changed.

If you need more details, please check the included readme.

Download (1.5 MB)

Snippet of a diff-report

@@ -341,7 +343,7 @@
         achievement_c008 = 0
         achievement_c009 = 0
         achievement_c010 = 0
-        achievement_c011 = 0
+        achievement_c011 = 1
         achievement_c012 = 0
         achievement_c013 = 0
         achievement_c014 = 0
@@ -539,7 +541,7 @@
         pickup_pistol_02 = 0
         pickup_shotgun_01 = 0
         pickup_shotgun_02 = 0
-        pickup_stealth_weapon_01 = 0
+        pickup_stealth_weapon_01 = 1
         pickup_stealth_weapon_02 = 0
         pocket_camera = 5
         postcard_l_airfield_01 = 0
@@ -557,7 +559,7 @@
         praise_the_light = 0
         prologue_completed = 1
         radio_item = 0
-        screwdriver_01 = 0
+        screwdriver_01 = 1
         shotgun = 0
         shotgun_tier2 = 0
         siren_killed_while_screaming = 0
@@ -650,12 +652,12 @@
         sorted_audio_logs = 0
         spitter_killed_by_ranged = 0
         unarmed = 11
-        zombies_killed = 44
+        zombies_killed = 45
         zombies_killed_by_execute = 2
         zombies_killed_by_melee = 32
         zombies_killed_by_pistol_headshot = 0
         zombies_killed_by_shotgun_close = 0
-        zombies_killed_by_stealth_execute = 10
+        zombies_killed_by_stealth_execute = 11
         zombies_killed_dlc_pistol_range = 0
         zombies_killed_dlc_rifle = 0
@@ -674,6 +676,7 @@
       keycard_red_02 = 1
       map_item = 1
       pocket_camera = 1
+      screwdriver_01 = 1
       unarmed = 1
       zombie_runner = 1
       zombie_runner_insanity = 1
@@ -2077,17 +2080,18 @@
           dlc1 = 1
-      active_objective = objective_m05_o03
-      active_waypoint = wp_m05_o04
+      active_objective = generic_explore_marina
+      active_waypoint = wp_m05_o11_2
       active_waypoint_level = l_marina_inside
-      current_level = t_marina_to_marina_inside
-      current_main_level = l_marina
+      current_level = l_marina_inside
+      current_main_level = l_marina_inside
       last_comic_panel = comicpanel_02
-      last_visited_map_location = l_marina
-      spawn_point = spawn_t_marina_to_marina_inside_garage
+      last_visited_map_location = l_marina_inside
+      spawn_point = spawn_mission_05_office
         1 = l_beach
         2 = l_marina
+        3 = l_marina_inside