
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Alpha 5 delayed

While I was about to release alpha 5 today, I realized that I need to re-think a few things (such as how the inventory and equipped weapons are managed behind the scene, in the editor).

It would be a good idea to wait before you use this editor. Actually, I learned that someone else is also making an editor like I am. I saw it on the Steam forum. I guess it means that I'll have some competition! :D

Anyway, this is what's planned for alpha 5 (mostly just fixing things before I can add more of the actual features):

  • If you didn't add/remove items in your inventory, it will be saved correctly. You can then change other things (cash, skills, etc).
  • A bug regarding removing items (crashes).
  • If your save was backed up by the editor already, a message box will ask if you want to replace it or not.


  1. RE: Actually, I learned that someone else is also making an editor like I am. I saw it on the Steam forum. I guess it means that I'll have some competition! :D

    What is the name of the editor? Is he still updating the editor?

  2. Dead Island Save Game Editor by Shyke.
    Development apparently stopped, though.
