
Monday, October 17, 2011

Game-saves sometimes still corrupted after fixing

Some game-saves may not be fixed properly with the editor, because of how the game sometimes seem to close up a broken section as if nothing was wrong (and the rest of the sections are missing). It makes my editor believe that it can restore more than it actually can restore, and your corrupted game-save will still be corrupted after "fixing".

In the case of quest progress data being broken, and the game-save making my editor believe that the quest progress data is not broken, this can only be fixed by validating the quest progress data (and not just the whole section's size). I hope it makes sense.

I just wanted to give you a heads-up, and of course, I intend to do improve this. :)


  1. How do i validate the quest progress data?

  2. I'm implementing this in my editor now, however, quest progress is stored in section 0x67 (103).
    (4 bytes) count
    (4 bytes)
    (9 bytes) quest x count

    I simplified the structure, and I hope it makes sense. :)

    Just check the size of all that. Once you reach the end of the file/section, you'll know how many quests you can retrieve. :)
