
Monday, October 24, 2011

Release: Alpha 18 (with Steam Cloud sync)

Big note: Whether you experience trouble or not with this release (regarding syncing, perhaps), such as losing progress like trollguy here, please either comment or send me an e-mail!

The next version if finally here, and it comes with some cool stuff, mainly Steam Cloud syncing!

This means that you should have no more "corrupted" game-saves, no more having to close/restart Steam, no more trouble! :D At least that's my intention, but as always, please send me some hate-mail for whatever reason you have! :)

What's new?
  • Steam Cloud syncing (sync-on-save or on-demand). Auto-sync disabled by default for now.
  • Updated item texts.
  • Fixed a bug which caused a crash when opening more than one game-save in one session.



  1. You should use the settings menu for the Sync features in the next update, great job with this btw!

  2. Thank you! :)
    I'll be working on that as well. :)

  3. hmmm after i used this to edit my safe , i start back at prolouge again... damn it didn't do a back up...

  4. @trollguy
    thats strange... i didn't have any problems with loosing progress in Alpha 17. Haven't tried Alpha 18 yet. This might be a sync-related issue.

  5. i tried alpha 18. i used to run alpha 17 , no problem but now... mayb i should be more careful lol but nvm , it might just be a bug.

  6. trollguy: You should normally have a .bak (backup) file. Please check all of your game-saves. If this issue can be reproduced, I may need to pull back this release.

  7. i know i should not post this unrelated request here....but can anyone help me with the version upgrading.....i'm playing ver1.0.0 n i'm playing without using any do i upgrade my version without using steam...

  8. @mom u using the retail or pirated version?

  9. Nice work Steffen, Sync works like a charm! Quick question though do you plan on adding the blueprints that were recently added to the game and also category based selection when adding items to the inventories?

  10. Thanks for letting me know, Guy!

    Yes, I intend to add the new ones. It just takes a bit research first. However, to make research easier in the future, I'm trying to make it possible to add unknown items (and I'll be able to add them properly soon, maybe in the release after the next one).

    The categories were put on hold (since it takes some time to implement it). It most definitely should have been there already! Same with the searching. I'll try to put some (extra) extra efforts into getting a few things done first, then get to the things you mentioned! :D

  11. MoMo: Please have a look at my "Corrupted/Disappearing saves" page, then look at the bottom of the page. I hope it helps!

  12. is there any version 1.3 patch upgrading without steam??

  13. Oh sorry. When thinking about it, I actually tried to apply the 1.3.0 update over the cracked copy but the game doesn't start in my case. Maybe that's worth investigating as well unless someone else has done it already!

  14. Since it's easier for me to do my testing with the cracked copy anyway (I have to use the Steam copy now), I'll look around and let you know what I find. :)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. NVM then....thanks anyway...

  17. Oh? Well, I hope you sorted it out anyway. :)

  18. Tried the new version right now, with Steam on, and didn't have any problems ;]. Good job with the new syncing system.

  19. Guy: I'll be adding the new blueprints in the next release already after all! The new feature to add unknown items made the job much easier! :)

  20. I was wondering, what does the Dur/Han input box do? And is there a way to increase the level of the weapon, not change it's color? Thanks for the attention ;]

  21. Dur/Han changes duration and handling (at least from my testing). I don't remember if the "level" value must be changed for dur/han to work.

    The thing with these values is that even I don't completely understand how they work yet! :(
