
Monday, November 7, 2011

List sorting in DISE / Anonymous commenting on the blog (update 2)

I'm looking more into sorting items in DISE. I could do something simple, but I want to make something good. Something good takes time and efforts.

That aside, I have opened up for anonymous commenting on the blog. :)

I've been struggling with this for days, but I think I have my solution now. I still need some time to fix everything up. I just wanted to show you my first successfully sorted inventory, and that things should go better for me soon. Thanks for your patience! :)

Update 2:
Sorting is now pretty functional. Here you can see that the items are sorted alphabetically (and reversed) and by quantity/ammo. :D


  1. Thanks for the great work and effort you put into this project of yours.

    Is there a "duplicate item" function in yet, if you want to duplicate a weapon "as is"? It is not even possible to do this by hand yet, as the values in those fields are higher than what you can enter manually (one weapon had a value of 13487, while the fields seem to allow 9999 as maximum value only) - so you cannot even create copies of those weapons yourself.

  2. You can duplicate items, but still the game may generate some randomness for it (I think). Just select some items, then drag and drop while holding Ctrl.

    I am not sure what you mean with the max values if you mean my editor, since the max is (and should be) far higher. :)

    Please let me know if I can help, but I can't do anything about the randomness. :)

  3. sooo, its not possible to add orange weapons though DISE (since that is randomness)

    also,since it says at skills"Mostly not implemented yet, is it safe or not to use Reset skill?

  4. Robin: When I tested Reset skill on DISE 12 or so, it worked just fine. You can simply test it, and if it doesn't work, get the automati backup and put in place of the f*ed up file ;P.

  5. Oh sure, it's safe. Please. :)
    It may be possible to add orange colored weapons in the future, since it appears to be somewhat constant. It's still something that needs to be figured out. You can however clone your other orange weapons (I think). You can try to take the "level" value from an orange weapon, create a new weapon and apply that value to the new weapon. Maybe it'll be orange as well. :)

  6. isaxonsi:
    Hello! :)
    If you use Steam, your game-save are probably in here on your computer:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\(your user ID here)\91310\remote\out\save

    You should see save_0.sav and such in there, Just drag it and drop it into the editor, make changes and save it. :)

    Please let me (or us) know if you need anything else. :)

  7. Guess a good idea is to store individual items as files, maybe using xml or txt format, and recover them afterwards. This may be useful for swaping items between different characters, something an editor for Borderlands saves called WillowTree does and I feel DISE could implement too.

    Just leaving a suggestion.

    Thanks again for this awesome tool.

  8. Good idea, Daniel! :D Thank you for the suggestion and kind words! :D

  9. Hmmm as it seems to hard to figure out how the weapons work... did you try seeing it as the following:

    One value for the level... and maybe the other parts are "bitwise".. as in bit activated or deactivated for specific things/mods?

    So if you take this level value + those set bits = the weird values that turn out?

    Especially as you seem to have noticed different behaviours? Someone reporting the higher the number, the lower the level, and you said you initially thought it was the other was around?

    Just an idea... seeing the higher value bits as some sort of "on/off" or "true/false", and that it may add up to such weird numbers cause of that?

  10. Thanks a lot for your comment! I have considered that as well, yeah. I am pretty sure that's what's happening. I have debugged the game and I have seen that it does a bitwise shift, but it does not make much sense to me what happens afterwards. :S Maybe I missed something or maybe I haven't looked in the right place. Unfortunately, I'm not an expert on reverse engineering assembly code. :(

  11. Well, you could always test how it works by changing the values and looking at what it did in game ;P.

  12. Hmmm I can open my save in this and save it and it doesn't go corrupt. But if I make ANY changes, even adding one dollar and save it the save file goes corrupt? Any ideas.

  13. Have you tried manually cloud-syncing?

  14. I have no idea how to do so. Mind elaborating?

  15. Oh I'm sorry you meant the sync now button? Yeah I tried that. I even tried to turn the cloud function off on steam. My friend even sent me his save and I put it in my save folder and it went corrupt. So it's not just the program I guess it's the whole folder thing 0.0...?

  16. Fiischer: Yes, I could test how it works by changing the values, and that's what we have been trying for a while now (so it is very time-consuming). :) By the way, nice seeing you help people. :)

    Anonymous: I would be interested in trying to reproduce this problem myself. If I also have that problem, then I should be able to figure it out more easily. :)

  17. From what I can see, changing the level number effects the weapons level, color and prefix, if any. the durability/handling number changes the weapons damage and possible other things. Yes, taking the level number of one of your orange weapons and applying it to other weapons make them orange. so far, 11748 in the level spot makes the weapon legendary. and 10000 is the best number for handling that iv found so far.

  18. Now im confused, lol. I bought a orange weapon from a vendor. it had a diff level number, which i gave to a few of my weapons. they stayed orange, but they lost a nice amount of damage, even tho the dur/han number was not changed.

  19. Interesting, 2Skikk. Is that a modded weapon?

  20. Anonymous: You could probably bypass that problem by closing your Steam, editing the file and then opening it again. Hope that helps ;].

  21. Wow LOVE the Save editor. would you like pictures of the items to add to your incredible program? I am slowly doing cropped pictures of all items for example:

    Any time frame for a map reveal editor? Can you tell me how to reveal the map in hex editor, or point me where this maybe?

    A couple of suggestions: a tutorial your second posting has a tutorial but it is buried. A youtube video would be nice. If you need help on this let me know!

  22. @Fiischer
    If you close steam you can't sync it which means it wont actually change the savedata.

  23. Anonymous:
    I'm interested in what you're doing! :)

    Regarding the map, I have not really started investigating that yet, but I can start looking at it after releasing alpha 25, maybe (if all goes well).

    Can you please tell me more about that tutorial you are talking about and video you are suggesting! Thanks.

    Please feel free to e-mail me. :)

  24. Oh, and I forgot to say Thank You for letting me know that you like the editor (so far, at least). :D

  25. Okay so I figured it out.
    Could you guys tell me what appid you are using if your running the cracked version.
    When I have the appid set to 91310 (dead islands app id) editing the save data works but my game lobby button is greyed out.
    When I use any other app id the game data goes corrupt when edited but the game lobby button is not greyed out.

  26. Animalistic: I hope you have bought the game as well. :) Besides the original on Steam, I also use the RELOADED copy of the game.
    However, I've read about other people having similar problems and they had to use a different app ID which begins with the number 5. :)

  27. Yes I have the steam copy as well but I like messing around with the data packets and don't want to risk being banned on my steam version.
    What appid do you use in particular? Just out of curiosity.

  28. 61720. I don't really use the cracked copy to play with. It just makes my researching and testing easier. :)

  29. But with that appid can you edit a save without it going corrupt and have gamelobby highlightable?

  30. I have not tried it online (and I use a steam_api.dll file for offline use).
    However, I have another ID which begins with 5. I think it's better if you e-mail me so that we don't fill up the commenting area here. :)

  31. Animalistic: If you close Steam, you don't have to sync ;].

  32. I closed steam and I didn't sync. But when I saved the file without syncing none of the effects I made saved to the file.

  33. That's weird. On older versions of DISE I used to edit like that, and it would work perfectly.

  34. Just to have this said, the sync feature in DISE was meant to be used with an original Steam client, and without any modifications to the appid. I can't assume that it will work well in any other cases (but it would be fun to know if it does).

  35. The original appid is hardcoded in DISE, so it will always try to sync with the original appid (91310).

  36. Hi there, would it be possible to sort your items manually (or is this already implemented)?

    But the current state of the new sorting function looks great.

    Keep up the good work.

    PS: Steam forums has been hacked. I hope, the hackers don't know my password and other things in my account.

  37. Wow, that's too bad. If you're worried, you can just change your password(s) and you should be alright.
    I'm still working on the sorting, but it's going forward now, at least. :D
    Thanks a lot!

  38. I also doubt that any credit card info and such have been stolen, since if the people at Valve are professionals, that info should be completely separated from the forum. :)

  39. Oh yeah, but if you have the same password on Steam, then you should really change your password. :)

  40. the original weapons i got the numbers from were not modded, all other weapons were added thru this save editor.

    also on a few side notes, i tried to switch my character to ryder, but it wont let me load the save because i dnt have the dlc for it, lol. is there anyway around this?

    And i used the skill reset, but i noticed certain/all skills dont undo, like the deeper pockets or fury will still b active even without the skill selected. example: if i already had the first two level of deeper pockets, then reset skills, then bought the first one again and i would have 18, the max for carrying. buying more wont increase it above 18, lol.
