
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Game-save repository

This is a free service for downloading saved games and other things for Dead Island, which have been uploaded either by myself or other people.


  • Try not to cause trouble by making a mess and such.
  • Upload only files that are useful and related to Dead Island or DISE somehow, and of course, nothing illegal.
  • Please don't meaninglessly share links with the whole world, because some people break things just by looking at them. :)

How to download and upload files

You'll have read-access to all of the files, and write-access to the "Review" folder.

You can drag and drop files and folders to upload them. After uploading files, I'll review them and eventually accept or reject them. If I reject them, the files will sooner or later be deleted.

Some information along with your upload would be helpful so that I know exactly what it is and can categorize it. If you upload a folder, a simple text file with information would be fine. You can also upload compressed archives (zip, rar), and either package the text file with information inside of it or outside.

When you're ready, please browse or upload files.


  1. Happy New Year and good luck! :D:D

  2. Thank you very much, Saz~! Happy New Year! \(^o^)

  3. ha you did it! I am still here! busy but will be back soon. nice job

  4. thanks for this space.. It's a great idea (Y)

  5. Can you tell me your host for those files? I know you use CloudFire but where are you hosted on? Thanks!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Uploaded an inventory xml, and a chapter 15 progress xml. I created an xml folder, and added Inventory folder and Progress folder and sorted my 2 files accordingly.

  8. is it safe? does it have a virus

    1. Hello!

      Sorry, what are you referring to? A file on the FTP server?

  9. hei i have a problem: after download file paste in saves but i have no quest?:| what can i do?

    1. Hello!

      Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you're trying to explain to me.

      Can you try to carefully explain to me:
      What kind/Which file did you download, and what did you do with it?
      You have no quest(s), how? No active quest, can't progress, or perhaps the list of current and completed quests is empty?

      Thank you!

  10. just uploaded a savegame for dead island riptide for pc
    char: the new guy, forgot this name :(
    lvl: 54
    campain: completed, but restarted it, so you begin at the begining, but every thing in inventory and stuff are stil there.

  11. if you modify your savegame can you get banned on steam?

    never don any modding on savegames on steam games, becaouse i am to affraid to get banned

  12. Hey, just wondering how do i use the ps3 saves?? i got this ps3 resigner but i still can't see the gamesave :( Need Hel !!!

  13. FTP client isn't working......trying to find gamesave that has nice fury skill tree setup.... so as to be able to use the fury weapon and have fury last only a couple of minutes.... any suggestions would be appreciated

  14. After switching server, it was now about time to get this up and running again. Instead of FTP, I've setup a web-based file download/upload service.

  15. I want a backup for dead island ryder white ( PS3) is it possible to upload a backup? thank you

  16. and thank you for your great software

  17. Cool modz but how do you download it
