
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Release: Alpha 50

I just thought that this could be useful for some people. I have not tested this. :)

What's new
  • Support non-original Steam AppID. Note that DISE will try to sync regardless of the game being Dead Island or not.



  1. hello steffen are you steffenL in chat box?

  2. Did this work on dead island 1.3 ? I can't sync and I'm using 1.3 or because of another problem ?

  3. It should work unless Steam has been updated again. Please e-mail me and tell me how you can't sync. Thanks!

  4. Welcome again to the chatanago chat box Steffen. I just made an announcement on our wiki.

    You have encouraged me to ask more sites to add the chatanago chat box.

    It can be added with this code:

  5. I am assuming the attributes section is still largely unknown? Or made some progress in finding out more?

  6. I'm afraid there's still no actual progress on that. :(
    I may never figure that one out alone, so I welcome anyone who can help.

  7. The "profile" option is just for unlocking chapters so far? Would love if you could use it to reset the achievements... i really hate starting a new game with friends.. and then having those "level jump" experiences for completing step 4 achievments cause you played it before already

  8. So far, yes. I will have a look at resetting achievements! :)

  9. Anonymous: I have looked more into the thing you mentioned. Did you mean achievements or did you mean challenges? I was able to reset challenges (and personal stats). You may not be able to reset achievements since they are tracked by Steam and stored online.

  10. @AnonymousJan 11, 2012 12:49 PM

    Why don't you just use Steam Achievement Manager?

  11. FYI Had a Malware warning from Comodo on the file received from the auto update now option.

  12. Thanks for letting me know. I wonder what makes AV software trigger warnings. :S Maybe I should try to get in touch and ask why they give false positives.

  13. Best Save Editor for Dead Island. Thank you so much for this :)

  14. I meant the challenges, those "ingame" ones that give you the XP rewards, the ones that make you actually "level jump". Nothing sucks more than starting a new game with friends, and within the first 5 steps you take, one of them jumps to lvl 21 cause the zombie he killed was the one that triggered the challenge for tons of XP.

  15. Thank you, Mac! :D

    Anon: I can do that! :) You can also do it manually if you would like to do so. Just e-mail me if you're interested. The only problem is that without spending some time trying to figure out how it works, both challenges *and* personal statistics will be cleared.

  16. Then again, there's a hash keeping track of changes made to the data. I don't know if it matters, though. If it does matter, you'll at least be able to clear both challenges and personal statistics.

  17. anything may be better than what i did so far... i deleted the complete default file, losing everything in it... it resetted the challenges... but lots more on top of that ;)

  18. Would you care to share your file with me? I haven't played online before in this game, so it would be easier for me to figure it out if I could look at your profile.

  19. Steffen, it works like a charm - pretty much a plug and chug - can not thank you enough! i beat the game twice but was too lazy to restart at 0 and get all the mods again so thank you for this wondrous gift! lol very much appreciated :)

  20. Fantastic Save Editor, being able to copy over my best weapons, mods, etc to another character & starting a new game allowed me to stop worrying about finding all that crap again & let me enjoy the game.

    Thank you!

  21. I had lost Zed's Demise and my second best weapon in my 2nd run due to some stupid bug. I could restore them with your tool, thank you so much!

  22. Is something wrong with the download link?
    It says "Downloading" and it just sits there forever.
    I've tried it on IE, Firefox, Chrome and Opera.

  23. i lost every thing because of this every thing i for dead island even chacter was reset

    1. Losing everything because of DISE itself sounds a bit unlikely, so I think there's a good reason to investigate it carefully. DISE also makes backups every time before you save, so you should be safe even if something went wrong. I would however like to test this myself if you don't mind. Please feel free to e-mail me:

      Also, I would not suggest using DISE alpha 50 because it's pretty old. Get the latest one hat is at time of writing. :)
