
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Release: Alpha 55

I wish I had a clever (and legal) way to completely eliminate the need to update like this.

Update: DISE is out for testing!

What's new
  • Restores the sync feature, again.


  1. I noticed that you have the condition for weapons in your editor. The only thing I can't figure out is the 4 bytes after the amount.

    Here is a weapon:

    Here is the bytes after None:

    Level/Color = 5013CDD8
    Value/Amount = 00000001
    Unknown = 429A9F63
    Upgrade = 00000003

    I'm pretty sure the Unknown is going to be the Condition, but I'm not sure how I would calculate it.

    If you could help me out, I'd appreciate it!

    1. Hey there! :) Without looking it up in my code to make sure, it looks about right. :) The condition is a single precision floating point number. In your case, the data type would be Single. &H429A9F63 = 77.311302. :)

  2. That simple huh? I got it, thanks!

  3. How long should the syncing process take? It says it's been syncing for quite a while now.

    1. Hi! It shouldn't take more than a couple seconds or so. Please make sure you have the latest stable version of Steam (not beta).

    2. Fixed, Thanks!

  4. I tried to sync it but I had the same problem. My steam version is up to date.

    1. Hi! Sorry for the late reply. I gave it a try at that time and it was stuck there for me as well. I couldn't see that Steam had updated anything so I had no idea what it was. Works again for me today. What about you?

  5. Does it work for syncing at the moment?

    1. At time of writing, I tried it 4 times. It hanged on "Syncing" the first time. I canceled it, then it worked fine the remaining 3 times.

  6. Hey It's me Hazerithious... I updated the game to 1.3.0. using the usb i made a save of purna starting from chapter 5. i loaded the save onto modio and opened it in resigner. i backed it up and then put it into you DISE (alpha55). after i edited the skills and some blueprints i saved the file. went into modio and replaced the file with the save file that was edited (save_0) rehashed&resigned. then saved to device under my profile. ejected cruzer(my flash drive) then placed the flash drive into the xbox. i started up Dead Island. went to play to load my save and it was corrupted. I have figured out that the version is not the problem... is there any other possibilities for corruption?

    1. Hi again! Since it worked just fine for me, I am not quite sure. I have a feeling that you may have replaced the wrong file. When browsing the USB flash drive, you'll eventually see your save_1 file. That's a container for the real save. It should be 60 KB originally. You've already opened this and extracted the real save, then modified it. That's fine. After this, you need to make sure the container file is (still) open in Modio and replace the save there. After rehashing and all that, that file should still be around 60 KB (less in my case, but between 50 and 60).

  7. So does not work for me. Sync is fine.But my saves are still coruppted.Somebody got an idea how to fix this? Sry for my bad english englis isn't my native language

    1. If you wish, you can e-mail me one of your saves so I can test (but they shouldn't be corrupted).

      Please make sure you use the latest stable version of Steam (not beta).

      You can also try some workarounds here (try "Sync without closing Steam"):

      Please e-mail me if you have more trouble. :)

    2. So now it works im using the update (Dead Island Bloodbath Arena only aka update 7 of 23 November 2011 it is still v1.3.0) that is requied dor playing with tungle now i know what's to do to get it working.
      but i dont know if its ALLOWED to post it here because some ppl havent bought the game yet.
      I bought the game on steam but every one knows steam sucks with connection i preffer to play on lan and tunngle.

    3. I usually don't try to help people using such methods to play, but at least you bought the game as well.. But yes, if you don't use the official Steam client, I can't guarantee that syncing will work. :)

      However, I'm interested in what works and what doesn't (just for the knowledge). :)

      Too bad your connection (with Steam) is not good, though. I rarely have issues.

  8. how to do damage for the weapons because my weapons are at 0 damage ;( help !!

    1. This usually happens when the stats are set too high, but I have a feeling it may happen for other reasons as well (but I am not sure). The stats are generated from the "attributes", so all I can recommend is generating a random value until it works, or copy it from other weapons. I'm afraid there's no way to simply set the damage you want, and I don't understand the "attributes" well enough to make something basic that gives consistent results. :(

  9. I am working on uncovering this debacle. For now, set your weapons base attributes to "484" which although sits at level 60, does maximize your weapons damage to a workable number. (Actually a little higher than other guns i seen around without dise)

  10. A small change would be appreciative. The ability to set and remove 'fists' in the 'fists' slot of DISE. I can make cool fists (homerun fists) and change them out for my real fists, but then i must save, exit, extract save, load dise, delete normal fists, inject file, reload game. :)

    1. Ah, that's pretty tedious. I had disabled it and hidden the regular fists from the inventory to prevent people from messing it up. After giving it a quick thought, I think this is the best solution: While leaving it as-is by default, I can implement an option to remove the restriction from the Preferences dialog. :)

    2. Runthis already knows this, but just for the record: the current development build of DISE has the option to unlock the fists quick slot. :)

  11. If I downloaded a save game that has weapon attributes for the legendary weapons and plug those attributes into one I just placed into my inventory should the stats be the same?

    1. Oh, and to make a legendary weapon, the game is pretty strict. Only the "attributes" value won't do. Needs the right mod and needs to be the right weapon (at least). I have some in my game-save repository so you can give it a try. :)

    2. Looks like I didn't reply directly earlier. Please see my other reply first. :)

  12. The final stats will be based on various things, such as skills, your level, etc. Even then, I think the stats will be randomized a bit. I think they should still be around the same, but there may be more variables here. I think it would be a good idea to test it. :)

    1. I will test it out and see ill post on here the results have to work next couple days but will let you know if I found anything out.

  13. I cant seem to load my save into dise.exe. it says it must be used with modio or horizon even though i extracted it using horizon. is there another program i need other than dise.exe and horizon?

    1. You're trying to load the Xbox content package. You need to extract your actual save from that file. :)

    2. im pretty sure that what im doing. the file im extracting say logan lvl 11 save file which extracts into save_1. i noticed you used something called resigner in your video, what is that? also i cant download modio because the only location i can find doesnt seem to exist anymore.

    3. I put Modio up here for you:


  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. the ones i cant do it for are the mods that are being done with this program

    2. I've sent you an e-mail. :)

    3. I'll delete your initial message soon, so that you hopefully don't get lots of spam.

  15. Hey Steffen, I'm having some trouble.
    Before I go on please no that I HAVE the illegal (pirated) version of this game (Yeah, I know it's bad.. but I want to try it out before I buy it for xbox)
    My saves do NOT save, I have saved over the saves that I use for dead island but the character's stats, weapons, and quests do not change at all and I'm left with a little weak character. Is there something I need to do? What am I doing wrong?
    trainer.exe works, but DISE.exe does nothing to my saves.
    Thanks again, Caro.

    1. Hi there!

      It could be that you're editing the wrong save(s). Please see "Where are my game-saves?" here:

      If that's not it, feel free to e-mail me so we can figure it out. :)

  16. Love your editor. Quick question, though, I've noticed that editing crafting materials sometimes assigns them levels, as well as remove their color tags. For instance, Stingray Tails will become White, and so will Floater Meat. Once it's white, it's permanent. Finding more will also be white, regardless how you find it. I can force the color change in the save editor and that seems to fix it, but my problem is I don't have a list of all crafting materials and what color they are by default; I also have no idea why some materials have a level requirement and some don't.


  17. Hi! why u don't have icons and map image in dise? everything works but I don't have any images...

    1. Please get the assets package: :)

      Because I didn't create all of those icons from scratch, it's not strictly legal to include them in DISE.

    2. How do you make a breakable weapon unbreakable? What number works?

  18. Sorry to spam but I mean, I have all my weapons unbreakable they're all flashing though. Which sucks cause the mods I put on my weapon only work one time.

    1. The current development version of DISE can make weapons unbreakable. It's impossible to type in the value directly, so it will not work in alpha 55. If weapons do not work, make sure the condition is correct. 0-something (try 1000) or melee weapons (except fists), -1 for mostly everything else.

    2. Can't wait! :D

  19. I know how to make stationary machine gun work! Steffen , If your dise is based not only on savbut on inventory.scr you can change that weapon's stats (don't know how to.say it.right) and it will work (game shuts down if you take this unmodified weapon)

  20. My game keeps crashing after I edit it, I've emptied out my inventory and that didn't help, the game doesn't say it's corrupted and neither does the DISE Alpha 55 sooooooo what else can I do to try and stop it from crashing? Oh and it's not the disc either not a scratch on it bought it legal

    1. If you play on the PC and use Steam, you have to sync the save. This version (alpha 55) can't sync anymore after the latest Steam update, but you can use the release (just check the front page and look for the post).

      If you play on the Xbox 360, however, you'll have to make sure to re-package the CON file (the 60 KB one) properly using Modio or Horizon.

      If you still have issues, feel free to contact m by e-mail! :)

    2. I'm on 360. How do I repackage it right cuz I'm pretty sure I'm doing it right. However sometimes after I try to import an inventory or progress it'll add an additional 4 KB for each (coming out with 64 or 68 KB) how would I repackage something like that right too? I have horizon

    3. I see. From your explanation, it sounds like you're doing it right. Horizon doesn't work for me (crashes), so I use Modio. Have you tried it?

  21. Never have tried it but I don't think it's horizon I tried to figure out what was causing the problem by opening the save NOT SAVING OR EDITING IT IN DISE and then reloading it in horizon and it still seemed to add an additional 4 kb. That means one of two things either the editor is doing something unknown or horizon is Doing somethig to compensate for the editor. Any thoughts? (not saying any things wrong with the editor I love it :))

    1. I can give it a try on my own Xbox if you wish. :)
      Feel free to e-mail it:

    2. That's that's okay I appreciate the help I got it to work but it's still highly crash prone (like every thirty minutes or so) idk its still at 64kb though so I know that's what it is. I'm gonna try looking at the other files besides the save idk what else to try

    3. Have you updated the game to 1.3.0? I'm not quite sure what I can suggest unless I see the same problem here. I'm glad it works. For a while, at least. *sweat*

    4. I'm on the very original update (1.0) and I'm sorry I'm on a phone so I can't email it right now but I'll contact you by email sometime in the near future thank you for all your help though I really appreciate it

    5. No problem. :) Maybe it would be a good idea to update it to 1.3.0. Please get in touch any time! :)

  22. i have new problem >>wen i load my save the game is working but there r black screen and the health is ending ??????????

  23. Sadly, there's no proper way to mod the dealt damage. The "attributes" are more like a... "random stat modifier" or something like that. You may however use skill points or skill tweaks to increase overall dealt damage. Note: Some weapons (the "AI" ones) deal very low damage.

  24. Can you please make Unbreakable items for free? I mean, I don't have a paypal card yet. But like, is there any point to buy something for a few options? I know it took you long to make all these. But maybe think about it?

    1. Thanks for your suggestion! You can make individual items unbreakable on the Inventory tab. :)

    2. I did that but the thing is, the weapon damage is bad when they're unbreakable due to it being blunt. Is there anyway of them not becoming blunt when they're unbreakable?
