
Monday, April 23, 2012

First release: Profile Editor

This is the first (beta?) release of the profile editor that I worked on the last few days, which will be replacing read_profile. No biggie, just a replacement. Please feel free to test it, and send me some hatemail as well if you find this useless. :D

At least I'm kind of proud of the hex editor (though there are some glitches) since it was my first time trying to make one, but it's still far from great. :D

Anyway, this should wrap it up:
  • View/Edit all standard data types.
  • View/Edit custom/raw data using the built-in hex editor.
Future plans:
  • Needs an icon.
  • Hex editor: Copy & Paste.
  • Delete & Add new fields.
Download - Just in case, please keep your backups.. :)



  1. View/Edit all standard data types<- - - - - for curiosity, you could also enable the infinite ammo and cheat menu with this program?

    1. Hi! Yes, that should work. However, it only works with the 1.0.0 version of the game. Seems like the game developers partially removed the cheats. They are still in the game but the commands seem to do nothing. :(

    2. Maybe there's still a way to re-enable them in later versions but I wasn't able to do it. Not even using the debugconf.scr to help.(゜△゜)>

    3. ok thanks^^

  2. Hey, I'm having some trouble in the game and I only want to move my character elsewhere on the map. is this possible with your editor? I haven't been able to do it.

    1. Hey! It's possible. I won't be able to include all the places in the editor very soon, but I can open up for manually editing it. I'm still stuck with something so if you're interested, I can try to edit it manually for you. Just e-mail me with the save and the location you want. :)

    2. I assumed you meant the spawn location. If you meant something else, I can of course try that, too. :)

    3. Sorry, I meant to say that it's not possible yet in the editor but it will, and I can do it manually now. :) Actually, I'll go and put that in the editor now so that it's in the next version. :)

    4. you are awesome. thanks. I'll send it over shortly.

    5. Hey! I have just now replied. :)

  3. Hey urm i got dead island on xbox. So the save game i got for my last character was a 30 Sam.B but i want to change it to a lvl 30 logan but with the skills reset can i do that? And how? Thx

    1. Yes you can. :) Please see the Preview and Skills tab in DISE where you can change your character and do pretty much everything with your skills. :)

  4. Oh and also can we make custom weapons? And vehicles? thx

    1. I'm afraid it's not possible to make custom weapons and place vehicles on the map without modifying the game itself.

  5. And can I edit weapon damage or rate of fire with this?
    You are a great coder)

    1. Tank you! :) One can't edit the weapon damage or rate of fire with this, no. :(

  6. And can I change weapon colour on personal? for example red? weapon that nobody has)
    and about dise
    I triedied to translate it with res hacker but I couldn't find where is the text. sry for my bad english...

    1. Translations would be very appreciated and much welcome. I don't use resource strings for that, however. I haven't done that before using the wxWidgets C++ framework, but my code is written to support translations. Just need to check how to actually do it. :)

    2. Also, I'm not quite sure what you meant about the weapon color. If I understood you right, I guess that's not possible using this.

  7. I'll try to translate it into russian)

    anybody knows why do I have such nick? I post massages with google

  8. hey, i have got stuck in this building, as in a spawn error happened and now i cant load my save with out crashing soon as it loads! And i reckon all i need to to do is change my spawn point is that possible?

    1. Yes, it's possible by using DISE. It's however typed in manually for now. Could you please a) share your save with me (by e-mail) or b) show me the info on the Preview tab? Where would you like to spawn (what is the name of the location)?

    2. can you tell me all the codes for the spawn points?

  9. Hi, quick question, where can I edit the amount of money my character has? I think i somehow maxed out my money and it's now stuck at $0. Thanks in advance

    1. Sure, DISE (save editor) can do this. :)

    2. yes it can edit the cash and if your stuck at $0 it's likely you went over the games limit try 999,999,999 it's more or less all you will ever ned for 1 game as long as you don't die too often as it takes something like 10% of your cash per revive so the more cash you have the more you will lose on revive (if i remember correctly).

    3. Ah, thank you! You helped me understand what the other Anon person actually meant. :D

  10. This profile editor does not work

    1. Sorry for the delay (no internet connection at home for a while).

      If you could please tell me exactly what doesn't work the way you expect, it would be very helpful, and I would then be able to help you. :)

      Useful info can include the platform you play on (PC, Xbox), if you use Steam or not (on the PC), any error messages, etc.

      Also, I would appreciate it if we could continue the conversation by e-mail. :)

      Thank you! :)

  11. Will i still be able to play online when ive editted all of ym save data? e.g money,items,weapons.

    1. You can still play online. If you use DISE (instead of this Profile Editor), it will always backup your saves as well, just in case. :)

  12. Does this save editor work on PS3? help please?:(

    1. I'm afraid saves for PS3 are encrypted. As far as I know, there are no sensible ways to edit PS3-saves (yet?). :(

  13. does it work for xbox 360?

    1. I you mean DISE, then yes. If you mean this Profile Editor: Sorry, at the time I made it, I only had PC in mind. There's an existing Profile Editor somewhere for Xbox. I'll look more into support supporting both later but you can use the other editor for now. :)

  14. If you want, i can do some graphical work for you for your programs :)

    1. Hello! :) Did you have anything particular in mind? Would love to hear your idea(s). :)

  15. hi, could you post a list of spawn point please?

    my save corrupt, used dise an got it working, but lost quest progress and it left me in the lab unable to get out and fast travel is beyond the door
