
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Release: DISE

Sorry about things not working earlier.

  • Fixed Immortality bug.
MD5: c966b47c7c30d34871a3720d8ea8e09f
SHA1: d285083ce7c1d6a5750e87524bdf866b95f55e41

Assets package (maps and extra icons)



    1. Thank you so much for saying that! :D The easiest way to get a license is to donate. I have a donation button hidden away in here:

  2. This is awesome :) do you make any other editors for other games?? That'd just make my day :) lol

    1. Thank you! :) I have not made editors for other games but it's not unlikely that I would do it if I like the game and/or I can somehow help other people. Dead Island had a lot of issues in the beginning, which was why I started working on DISE. Things are better now, but I just kept developing it. :)

  3. I read online there is a way to get the kills of ALL characters into one character. Is that true, and if so, how? If not, could you do that?

    1. It's true and that can be done easily with DISE. :) On the Skills tab, you can show skill trees for all characters, even Ryder! Not even Wiki sites have Ryder's skill tree! :)

      From the same place, you can easily give yourself all skills for the selected character, all characters, individual skill trees or individual skills. :)

    2. So say I don't have the Ryder white dlc I would just go and give all skills except for him? That's epic :) how do you do all this stuff?? You must be like a freaking genius

    3. Thank you very much for the compliments! :D I'm no genius but I had to mod the game's internal files (something about levels or skills, can't remember the exact file right now). That allowed me to see Ryder's skills in-game as long as I stayed on the skills screen. After that, it was a matter of increasing points in-game for each skill, then mapping their IDs/numbers manually while inspecting the game-save. Multiple restarts included (to save the changes), so you can imagine it's a bit time-consuming. :D

  4. how do you get premium

    1. Please see this comment :)

    2. how do you put all the skills on lets say Logan. I am trying to do it but I can't seem to get them all to work? I can see how to get them all maxed out on all the characters but not put all the skills on one person... Please help out if you can.. I also have a xbox does that matter? Thanks

    3. Mike: On the skills tab, you can choose which character's skill trees to view. You can also just click on one of the "Give all" buttons. :) A small warning though: Maxing everything (higher than 1-3) may have negative effects. Especially be careful with fury skills. :)

    4. thank you so much that worked out perfect!!! I just didn't give the first fury skill anything on the other characters and I did max out everything else possible to there highest game level. Not the highest DISE level though. I tried using everything while it was maxed out completely that is and I used my Fury and I couldn't do anything I couldn't throw my knife and it was pretty much useless, so definitely take your advice. Thanks!!
      Also When I went to look at logans skills it showed his where highlighted does it mean the other skills from the other characters also where working or they weren't because highlighted they were in black.I am pretty sure they were being used but not a 100%. Thanks Mike

    5. I'm glad it worked! In-game, they definitely work even if they are not highlighted. :)

    6. Once again thank you for the swift reply!!:)
      I just want to let all the Dead Island fans out there know that this is the very best save editor out there!! Not only do you get a awesome program that is truly amazing you get professional help with it like you have bought a top of the line gaming system. I will definitely suggest this to anyone who wants to have a blast with Dead Island!!!! Thanks Steffen please keep up the great work and thanks for giving us this DISE, and giving all your time(which has to be like days in itself!!) that is required for this to happen. I know this has to be like a job in itself and you are doing it for us dead island fans. You definitely deserve donations by the way!:D Thanks again!!!

    7. No no, thank YOU, Mike! :D

      It is helpful and encouraging to read such nice words! :D

  5. Chainsaw doesn't work. I made it unbreakable, level 50, and exceptional. Does that have anything to do with it?

  6. The chainsaw won't work is that because I made it unbreakable, changed the rareness, or changed the level. I did all three

    1. I see. I tried it earlier and it worked in all cases. Would you like me to try your save? You can e-mail it if you wish. :)

  7. What features are you working on for the next release :)

    1. In the next version, there are some cosmetic changes for the About dialog, the context menu for skills have "Reset" and "Max" added (for the points), a less obvious bug from a while back was fixed. All that is ready. Except for that, I've spent time working on some Xbox stuff (reading the XContent package file) to hopefully automate things more for Xbox 360-users in the future. Since I code DISE in C++, I have to write most of it myself (and I'm one person). :)

      If there's a need for the things that are ready, I will gladly release it. :) If none of that is very interesting, I will at least try to include some more skill tweaks.

      If you have specific needs, I would love to hear your ideas. :)

  8. No no no not any rush I'm sorry :) but if you really wanna hear my ideas... Lol :) well let's see.... Hmmmm The only idea I could think of would be to make an attribute editor (of course I realise that would literally take forever but honestly that the only thing that could really make it any better :))

    1. Thank you! :D You're right, it might take forever to do it *right*, but I have an idea to make it easier. I think it will work but I need to give it a some thinking and a little experimenting first. :)

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Thank you! Removing your post to spare you from getting spam. :)

  9. i have a xbox and your dise rocks!! 8 know ihave said it in the past but thank you so much and I will be trying to donate something to you for all your hard work! i just need to catch on tons of back bills and bills themselves. also is there anyway just to get unlimited stamina and how do make some characters to be able to jump super high? thanks for your time

    1. Hello! Thank you very much! :D

      I genuinely hope your financial situation improves (not so you can donate, of course).

      As for unlimited stamina, it's possible to boost the stamina capacity so that it's practically unlimited. The indicator (bar) will be really long, though. There's no way to make it unlimited while sprinting. :( Still, I think it's better than nothing. What do you think?

      Super jumping seems to be impossible, however, at least without modding the game's internals. :(

    2. For the PC, there's an alternative way to freeze stamina but it doesn't seem to work well on the Xbox. :(

    3. Thank you so much for the quick reply!! I was so excited to hear from you and checked it from work. I have tried to reply to your message 4 times from phone and it was erased every time after i tried to post it!! Gosh how frustrating!! Anyways thank you so much for the kind words on my financial situation. I hope also so I can have extra money. I would love to have a stamina bar like you mentioned I think that would be super awesome!! How would I go about getting that?
      If you every need any help with anything please don't hesitate to ask? I am not to computer savvy and a noob to all this? But I learn fast and I am willing to help out anyway that I can. My mother is japanese and I can help translate so stuff if need to be? I feel very privilged to be able to talk to someone with your skills and talents!!! Thank you again.....

      Sincerely, Mike

    4. Mike, thank you yourself! :D

      Having your message erased is sooo annoying. >.< Last night, I wrote a comment, went to bed to finish it this morning.. Guess what I did, feeling tired and all? Closed it because I didn't think I needed it! *facepalm*

      I'll see what I can do about the stamina. I can definitely have an option to boost the stamina and quickly regenerate some on certain events.

      Thank you very much for offering your help! :D I'll definitely ask you to test the stamina feature! :)

      My girlfriend is Japanese, so I have that covered when everything is sorted out. :D Thank you! Do you write/speak Japanese well?

      Thank you so much for your compliments! :D I still have much to learn! (*゜▽゜*)

      If you wish to talk more by e-mail:
