
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Release: DISE

  • Made skill tweak "Thrown weapons always return" free for everyone!
  • Lifted skill point limits a bit for the free edition. The original limit was 1 to 3, which is the same as in-game. Now, it's original max ± 7. That means -8 to +8 (1-rank skills) or -10 to +10 (3-rank skills). That should be enough to manually make up some of the premium tweaks with a little effort. :)
  • Added "Give max points". If you keep this checked while giving all skills, you will max out skills, not just up to the original in-game limit.
  • Hooked up premium tweaks (and added one) so that they actually work (but boosting damage wasn't ready for this release, so you can see an empty spot).
  • Moved all skill tweaks from the premium tab into the skills tab.
Assets package (maps and extra icons)

SHA1: ed85e1fa17a470438647b246d06d8e789a2302cf
MD5: b76690ac3570cf0899a791ee2b00c1be



  1. Heyyakittykitty21 May, 2012 03:00

    Hey how do you get the sawn off shotgun to work its called Firearm_sawed-offshotgun in the editor. I have been messing with the attributes thing but the damage is always the same (1+3)

    1. Hello!

      I've done a few tests. The damage is always 1 as far as I can see. If you attach a Sticky Bomb Mod to it, the damage will boost quite a lot. :)

    2. Heyyakittykitty21 May, 2012 05:29

      But I did and it ony did like 50 damage :(

    3. Oh :o In my case, it raised it quite a lot.
      Req. level: 1
      Rareness: Common
      Condition: -1
      Upgrade level: 1

      Please, may I look at your game-save? I'm not confident that I can make it work but it would be interesting to try.

    4. Heyyakittykitty21 May, 2012 16:58

      Oh I figured out what it was it the whole mod, it's not having any effect with any of my guns on any save, I think it's because I maxed out my skills, also I'm sorry for being a bear 0w0

    5. Heyyakittykitty21 May, 2012 18:52

      Yea it was my maxed skills with Purna, guess the game couldn't take the awesome damage lol :) I got it fixed

    6. Bears are cool! :) I'm glad you sorted it out. Well done! :)

  2. yghmike@hotmail.com21 May, 2012 15:22

    i jus wanted to say thank you so much for this program. I am a noob to all this stuff. and i am so very amazed with the stuff you put into this. i have 5 kids to support but if i had any money i wouldnt even blink to send some to you for this. Thank you again. Mike

    1. Thank you so much just for saying that! :D

  3. Logan save doesn't work at all after editing :(
