
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What do you think about a donator's edition of DISE?

Note: Poll at the bottom!

The idea is to include extra features in DISE for people who donates or contributes enough to receive it in exchange for the work. Those features would be aimed at modders, those who like to play around with things, go beyond limits, etc, while most of the things you can do will still be free (only slightly more experimentation needed).

Those who donate would have even more flexibility when editing things. Convenient functions/tricks and in general, more open for experimentation.

DISE would still be free, of course, and would continue to receive updates. Free edition wouldn't have a lower priority.

Until now, I didn't really have enough ideas that would justify paying (or donating), at least in my opinion. Even the idea to include advertisements in DISE without bothering you (the user)... I'm not really sure about it.

The whole plan isn't completely decided yet but I would love to hear your opinions about this. I have however been playing with licensing already to get familiar with it. :)

If you think that my work is worth something, you can give it some though. I do spend a great amount of spare time working on DISE instead of playing games and doing other fun things. Web hosting costs money, development tools costs money, code signing costs money, and time is its own cost.

Regardless, I don't work on DISE to earn money. I don't expect anyone to contribute with anything, whether it involves money or not. :)

I'm very thankful towards those who have already given me ideas, suggestions, game-saves for testing, friendliness or contributed in other ways. Thank you very much! :D

What do you think? Would you donate?


  1. How to I use the attributes to make an added weapon be good?

    1. It's usually good (if not best) when you start from 0 and simple change the rareness/color and required level. :)

  2. How do i use the Add custom item what does it do and how do i use it
    Love the new version

    1. Thank you! :D

      If you have 3rd party mods installed for the game which adds new items, you can use that button. You'll need to know the internal name the item(s), and you must set some values manually. :)

  3. Nameless Creature26 May, 2012 10:39

    I voted badly, I'm poor and because of crisis I can't do anything.

    But the features are not so bad, it seems all you'll give are more ways for modders to do so, then that's fine, why not? You need money too, so it should be fine. A donators' only DISE is a modders' only dise

    1. Hello!

      I respect your opinion and decision.

      Everything that was free is still free (and more), while it's supposed to stay more beneficial for modders and those who just want more freedom and quick presets without spending time tweaking things.

      I hope your financial situation improves. Good luck!

  4. So IF there is a donator's edition are you going to be moving all premium features to it or are you going to make the premium features free and create new premium donator's edition features or are you going to be at least making the skills cap go higher so we can create are own premium features manually or are you just gonna leave the free version as it is? Im not asking you to do any of that stuff I just want to know.

  5. i would love to donate... i think it is a great idea... but i would say a lot of people might not be able to put a lot in it... but, a couple of dollars from say a million people isn't too bad of help... lol i am using the trainer right now for mainly my health and stamina... i love to make my own weapons, but can't get my attributes right... still not clear on that... maybe there could be an easier method of understanding it, perhaps. wish you the best of luck and maybe i can think next time of a good idea. i will pop it in. :)

  6. Hey I think this is a fabulous idea!!! I know you put a lot of your time into this and your own money also... I don't see why you wouldn't have some sort of donation box or edition with different stuff in it...I know for a fact that code signing costs money, web hosting costs money, development tools costs money, your own time and skills are not free. Everything you have learned in your life to get you here wasn't free, So yes i think this is a great idea... I will definitely donate when I have the funds to do it. I appreciate your time and hard work, but I know also a little donation would go a long way and will also motivate you. I know it would me.

  7. I think donating is good, I would be willing to donate (would 5 be an insult?), cannot afford much at all unfortunately.

    1. Thank you for your opinion! Please don't think too much about it. :) Even $1 would help me more than $0, so don't have a fixed amount. I don't want to squeeze your last dollars out of you, I just hope that people who donates give the amount they can, or feel good about (or else I would feel bad myself). :) If nothing, then I hope that the free version can still be satisfying. :)

  8. Sorry for the delays! Thanks for your opinions and ideas!

  9. could this version in clude a mini mod menu fo sum sort like a mod menu with things like teleporting?

    1. I have probably replied to you before on the chat or by e-mail already, but just for the record, it's not possible to do this by modding saves (as far as I know). The closest thing would be changing the spawn point but you would have to restart the game anyway.

  10. i think we should get the other stuff no matter what cause we all love the program its just hard for some of us to get money to give to get that but i would love to have it

    1. I understand. Thank you for your opinion.

      I'm not rich either, and I still spend my own money and time to give things away for free. I really hope that people will consider that as well. :)

  11. I have a credit card and Was going to Donate 1$(low on money) But paypal will not accept my card info, it says it can not be used for this payment, is there any other way I can pay without paypal?

    1. Thank you!

      What kind of card do you have?

      I currently don't have any other options but I would like to hear your ideas.

      You can e-mail me here if you wish:
