
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Release: DISE

Mostly fixes this time. :)

Oh, and some of you have seen virus alerts for the installer.. I am using Inno Setup v5.4.3, and your anti-virus software is obviously hysterical if it complains. If you paid for your AV, you may want to consider filing a complaint. :)

To see if the compression used has anything to do with the false positives, I have provided 3 versions of the installer.

  • Fixed mods being listed twice in the mod selector (when you did not filter the results).
  • Fixed maps not loading the 2nd time you view them sometimes.
  • Fixed some issues with getting text from the game (and changed the way it works), and added more texts. I'm generating a custom .bin file now.
  • Taser is now called Stun Gun as in the Ryder White DLC.
  • Fixed graphical glitch in the list of available items. I had already fixed it in wxWidgets but forgot to recompile the release build.
  • A little more work on the Norwegian translation.
Custom .bin file
I previously copied the original DI Texts&Voices.bin file from the game. Later, I noticed that texts were still missing for weapons such as the zzz_* (DLC weapons). I figured that they were in texts_DLC0.scr (from the Ryder White DLC) instead. I'm not sure why the game has one big .bin file with texts, several separate .scr files with the same texts, then only .scr files for DLCs.

Now, once and for all, I hope I have solved the problem the following way. For each language,
  • Copy DI Voices&Texts.bin, and just the .scr files I need.
  • Copy the .scr files from DLC.
  • An ugly Python script I wrote parses all of these files.
  • My ugly Python script merges everything and removes duplicates (oldest first).
  • Generate a new, even fatter .bin file and ship it with DISE.
dise- (same as before) | SHA1: af8abad422571fd88b0c98cd6efdf4e97323af08
dise- | SHA1: 3853c62b46354a0802e5fcdc747152061e2643af
dise- | SHA1: b850a8fb2615bee8502afc834f71ffc380de15b9


  1. Good work, please keep up. I wanna ask this: How do I add a custom blueprint ( new weapon mod) in the custom blueprint box. It has option to add from range and another with line command. Please tell me how to use this function cuz I'd made myself a lot of custom mod blueprints

    1. Oh, thank you! :D I am actually not sure yet because they are stored as numbers (IDs). However, you may be able to add it to your inventory, drop it, then pick it up. "Add custom item" may work. Please try it, and I would love to know it works. :)

    2. Okay, I tried but it seems nothing happened. When I input down the fisrt blueprint scripts ( located in collectible.scr , I assume its ID is 0) in box, it came up with ID no.0.YAY!! But, when I add the third blueprint mod, it still came up with ID no.0 when it must be ID no.3. So I this is not going to work. The only way to add custom mods is add their name in player_default_setup.scr, so you'll get all new mod at the beginning.BTW, are you maker of trainer on this site, the optione to make infinite flashlight interested me, how you do that, modifiying scripts or edit hex file.

    3. I see. :(

      Yes, I made the trainer. The trainer does not mod any files, only the game's code in memory. :)

      I'm interested in accurately mapping IDs to actual names, but I haven't done any testing yet. I have only added a large range of IDs and checked how it affected the game. :)

    4. And sorry about the delay. I received several e-mail notification just now for older replies. :S

  2. Nice release been waiting for update that fixes the inventory but for some reason it keeps crashing when i try to add the weapon or try to add a custom weapon not sure the cause of this :D Very nice release though

    1. Me again i found reason for the crash it was because is scrolled all the way down then add the item Or so i believe well its working now :D

    2. Hi there! Thank you! I'm very interested in tracking down that crash. I'll try to play around with adding custom weapons and hope I can somehow make it crash (and figure out why). :)

  3. A sweet premium tweak idea I have if one was able to bring up the map and be able to teleport to wherever you set the waypoint to.... Would that be even possible?

    1. In-game or in DISE?
      I'm afraid in-game would be impossible (without an advanced trainer). In DISE, the closest thing is to set the spawn point. It's not teleportation though. :(

  4. My Game freezes on load screen after editing it with DISE im on XBOX 360 BTW
    Never had this problem with the other builds

    1. Please see my answer for "DISE LOVER !" here:

  5. How do you use the Option "Add Custom Weapon" and what does it do because im wonder if you can add custom made weapons

    1. If you've modded the game or installed 3rd party mods which adds new weapons, you can add those weapons to your inventory if you know their internal name. :)

    2. What are 3rd party mods

    3. Mods that someone other than you created. :)

    4. So how do you Install 3rd party mods or will this even work for Xbox

    5. You normally can't tamper with the game files on the Xbox. That makes this feature useful mostly for PC gamers.

    6. Damn well i did find a error on here with one of the weapons the other day.
      One of my friends wanted a HomeRune Frying pan thats unbreakable so i did heres what i did.
      Frying pan Mod {Developer mod craft 2] Checked Unbreakable
      level [1 or it was 0]
      added it went into game hit a zombie with it and it worked first time
      i went to hit another zombie then it broke i mean not like break break but it only shown the bottom piece of the frying pan and it wouldn't do damage at all so is this a error or how the unbreakable is set.

    7. I'm not sure but it seems like the unbreakable option doesn't always work well on the Xbox (even when it does on the PC). You could try to randomize the attributes but I'm not really sure if that's the problem. Unfortunately, not all combinations work well either. :(

  6. I cant seem to add any weapons to my inventory...modding the weapons already in the inventory works fine. However, when I attempt to add a weapon it always says (text is missing) right after the name of the gun. Plz help.

    1. In the latest version, you need the di-texts.bin file as well. It's included with the installer so you shouldn't have that problem if you used it. Does that solve this problem? The weapons should still appear in-game regardless.

  7. Also, had the same problem as luckyjr5 with a broomstick. is this only caused with certain weapons? Such as weapons that have extreme breaking animations (ie. the top of the broom completely breaks off when broken.)

    1. Yes, it's possible. If you could please share your save with me, I may be able to figure out what makes it a bad combination. :)

    2. well the percent of the unbreakable item is set to 8 Percent could you change the percent its set to because when i didnt mod my friend gave me a unbreakable weapon and it wont get blood on it or nothing and heres the item i found you cant use unbreakable on.
      Hat stand
      Frying Pan

  8. Me once again...I figured out the problem...were all good.

    1. If you don't mind, what was the problem/how did you fix it? :)

  9. The problem was that I was clicking on the weapon to add and changing all of its stats before putting in my inventory...Apparently, I had to double-click on the weapon first, put it in my inventory, then add the changes.

    1. Oh, I see! You shouldn't have to do that if you make the changes under "Add item" instead of "Modify item". If you think there's a problem, I will have a look at it.

  10. Oh srry steffen, I forgot to add that I am using an xbox for your mod tool. srry for the late reply.

    1. Thank you! :) It wasn't late, don't worry :)

  11. help me please , i have 1.3.0 dead island if i make a new game it works fine once i edit the save file and go back in , the continue button is greyed out if i use ur editor it makes dead island not recongize the file please help me ... im using smart steam btw

    1. Did you sync after editing?
      If not, please try to locate steam_appid.txt in your game install folder, get the app ID inside, set it in DISE, then sync.

    2. hey , i matched up the app id in DI folder its 65900 , i went to my smartsteam>userdata>105169590> made sure the folder is 65900 , went into DISE and changed the pref to 65900 and i receive this error .. remember i have smartsteam ( one last thing this is the update i have right now installed Dead.Island.Update.5.v1.3.0-P2P )

    3. To me, it looks like you have a really old version of Steam.

    4. Or "Smart Steam", but I'm afraid I can't help more with that. I know people have successfully used DISE with it though, after changing the App ID.

    5. my smartsteam is uptodate remember this is the cracked version of steam . i would like to donate this editor looks like a lot of fun but i have to get it to work, my gf is going to kill me because i messed up her save file =/. do you have any idea how to fix it ..ima try to break it down more , i delete the save file/profile start a new game finish prologue , open DISE edit the save file go back into game continue is grayed out all steam id's match / also i do own this game just on the 360 but my 360 is broke right now..

    6. should i update to the latest version of DI maybe that will work .. what App ID did they use , i know they recommend using 65900 for lan to be able to work..


      If you don't mind, I would like to continue the conversation by e-mail. :)

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. Thank you! :) Removing your latest post.

  12. After finishing editing my Steam is having problems turning on, any idea why?

    1. If possible, could you please explain a bit more in detail? Thanks :)
