
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Release: DISE


  • Improved compatibility with older operating systems, such as Windows XP. Stops DISE from crashing when adding new items to your inventory.


dise- | SHA1: 4b8d1bcf1515fe8dc03d8fc5e79430b2892b0851 (without languages and assets) | SHA1: 0ebda6f76bfdcb6cea56fe012ab45830f812a266


  1. this may be a little late to ask but what's the difference between the zipped version(55.20) and the setup.exe version(the more recent versions)? reason why i'm asking this is because i don't like installing what doesn't need to be installed. 55.20 was just unzip and go, what makes it so that there needs to be a setup? does it install something besides the dise application? does it deal with any registry stuff? because of this, i've been really hesitant with updating dise as i'm not fond of installing an application even though it works perfectly without any sort of installation before :S
    just wanted to know as the change seemed a bit sudden...

    1. Thanks for asking. :)

      DISE doesn't actually need admin access, but it's needed to install it at the default location (under C:\Program Files ...).

      I made the change because it is more convenient for the general user without having to do it manually and downloading more files. It's convenient for them and it's convenient for me when I don't have to explain how to install/use it.

      The latest versions need language files as well in order to display text from the game (not included like before). Assets are also included in the setup program. Many people had no idea there were extras that could be downloaded.

      These are the reasons for the change. I was trying to make things simple for everyone, but I see your point. :)

      Of course, I also see a point about trust issues even if you didn't say it.

      I'll try to somehow make the installer not ask for admin access unless needed, in the future.

      I've also update the post with just the executable (zipped) because I have it uploaded already. If you don't see maps, icons, proper text, etc, at least you know why. :)

      If you are interested, then the plan was to do one installation and let DISE update each component automatically (like before). Because of the problems I've had with that, people must still download manually.

      I personally don't feel like I have given you the most satisfactory solution, because that would include giving you different packages, including just the executable (nothing else), the full installer, the full zip, and possibly another web setup variant (downloads what you want).

      This is what I can do for you quickly, though, and I will need to think about the rest.

    2. Came to think of another good reason why the change is undesirable: Limited users (non-admins).

    3. ah i see...i had a feeling but i just could think of that for some reason 0.o
      i knew it had to at least be of extra..."peripherals" but they just didn't pop into my mind. and because of this, i can see why simply making a setup for it is the most reasonable path to take. it would be somewhat of a hassle to constantly explain where to put this or that constantly :S
      but a little flexibility wouldn't hurt. i have multiple hard drives, each for a different task and having a fixed destination would hurt someone such as myself (or at least prove to be an inconvenience (not meaning to sound like some spoiled brat or anything)). I mean you have no idea how conservative you become in this topic until you have yourself a SSD xD
      and you could say that there's a taaaaaaddd bit of uncertainty in terms of trustworthiness. as familiars to the internet, i'm pretty sure we both question the legitimacy of anything that has to do with hacking, cracking, cheats and what-not. even having a single file to run is questionable as it is, but at least you know what you're getting yourself into, can't say the same if you installed anything though as unless you know how to peer into the setup itself and see what's being installed, you are pretty much opening to whatever is and will be happening in the background. so i understand how it is a bit disrespectful, but as a familiar on the internet, you should understand where i as well as others are coming from. but i in no way mean for it to be taken offensively, just asking is all :)
      it's just that the change was fairly sudden and remain virtually unexplained, so i think it's fair to be wondering about the reasoning behind all of this :)
      on a side note: thanks for the explanation as well as the making a zip file for me :D

    4. I understand what you mean. I also use an SSD on both my laptop and desktop computer, and DISE would perform best on an SSD because of all the skill icons as separate files.

      I can understand about trust, but I think it would be a good idea to see how far back my blog archive dates. I released the first version of DISE in September 2011, and there are not few updates since them.

      If you are still not sure, please also know that I do not hide my contact details in my domain name ( which is used for downloads), for those who wish to do a WHOIS lookup. Anyone could invade my home any time, but as I want to trust others (call me naive if you wish), I also wish to receive trust.

      What you said have given me something to think about. It's something I care deeply about, so it naturally needs to sink in a bit. I didn't take it offensively, so please don't worry. :)

  2. You have every right to be offended considering how I was so rude to such a nice guy. I know how there is no malicious intent, but I just couldn't convince my paranoia. Let's just say that I have had such great luck with things like this in the past so I just had to ask to be sure.
    As for invading your home, I think that's taking things a little TOO far xD I understand how you value trust, but I think you do enough just by allowing your..."followers" to get close to you (say the chat box and actually responding to their posts). That in itself earns respect and trust as it shows that you truly care for what others have to say / think. Although, invading your home wouldn't be a bad idea as we get to see the man behind the name >:D
    Again, I didn't mean it in a negative way, just wanted to know the reasoning behind the change is all :)

  3. another great update :) Cheers buddy!

  4. So this update will stop my game crashing if I add certain items? Like ican add any item that's down there that I can add without worrying?

    1. Oh, only DISE stops crashing on Windows XP or older operating systems.
      Which items crashes your game?

    2. DesertEagle, the first listed Magnum, stationary gun, the first listed revolver. The all make my game crash and also sawn-off shotgun only does 1 damage?

    3. I see. I'm aware of the Stat.Gun freezing the game on both PC and Xbox. I also know that the shotty does very low damage. I'm afraid there isn't anything you can do about it without modding the game's internals. A lot of weapons are originally intended for AI/NPC. You can try to set the "attributes" value for the shotty to 709 and see if it makes any difference. I'm pretty sure it will still have very poor stats, though.

    4. It's okay thank you for explaining though :)

  5. do u know if there is a way to add items such as the bricks, crates, or propane tanks found all over the island, to your inventory? 2 days ago i was walking around in the game and i walked up to a propane tank and some kinda technical name poped up above it, like a normal item, but for less then a second and i didnt have time to read it before it disapeared, but it was pretty long, and i was wondering if there was a way to add them to your inventory?

    1. Hello,

      I've tested a few things and they didn't show up in the inventory. :(

      I tried to add e.g. "Carriable Gas Canister", "Carriable gas cylinder", "HeavyBox" and "Carrying1".

      I wouldn't keep my hopes up. :\

    2. oh.. ok :/ ive tryed some things too and they didnt show up either, but thx anyways :P haha

    3. That's too bad~ Would have been fun if it worked. o(*゜▽゜*)o

  6. Hey so I have two things to say first off it would be cool if DISE could show the stats of a weapon somehow idk if that's possible but yea and second off there are some guys on YouTube who have modded weapons base damage using ISO mods my theory is that if you could take a unique weapon such as the banisher for example and play it on the modded disc save it and then Play with the exact same banisher on an unmodded disc you could compare the saves at the place where the banisher is located. Do you think something like that might help you make a weapon editor? Oh and this ISO mod gives a dev menu capable of editing quest data I know you have been trying to work on that. Just thought it might help

    1. Hello!

      Thank you so much for trying to help me! :)

      Unfortunately, even if I use the base stats found in the internals (Inventory.scr and such), there would still not be a way to display the final stats as shown in-game. :\

      Also, I've modded weapons on the PC before and even modded quests. Even then, it's not easy for me to figure out the quest data in the game-saves.

      Sorry >.<

  7. So far this SE is AMAZING! I love it! thank you very much for making it! I do have one issue though. Whenever I try to add a weapon into my character's inventory it seems to be gona when I load up the game. I save the file and everything. choose a random number for the weapon. but it doesn't seem to appear in my inventory when I start playing. Any possible solutions or maybe something I might be missing?

    1. Thank you very much! :D
      If you play using Steam on the PC, you need to sync the save. If that's not the case, it should have worked without syncing. If you play on the Xbox, this video shows every step so that you can't go wrong (just make sure to pay close attention):

      If you play on the PC however, not using Steam, my only suggestions at the moment, is to make sure that the game storage location is correct and that your App ID is correct (if you use a variant of Steam or something). :)

    2. Ok so I tried it without syncing and the weapon still doesn't show up. though editing weapons that are already in the inventory from picking them up in game seems to work no problem. even synced them as well and it still worked. but adding an item in from the SE seems to not show up in game. and going back into the SE after closing it out shows that the weapon has totally disappeared.

    3. Maybe you should try saving the game without using steam I had the same problem as you

    4. Anon: I'm sorry. Could you please tell me clearly if you use Steam (official client) or something else to play the game? If something else, what is it? Thanks. :) It's usually not a problem when playing on Steam (and when syncing was successful). In normal cases, you sync and and you're good to go.
      Jacob: Thanks for helping out! :)

    5. I purchased the game on steam. So I don't think there's a way I could save it without steam. If there is I'd like to know and try to see if it works. :)

  8. guy.... this tool is fucking amazing


  9. What is the quest name for when you first arrive at the prison I changed my chApter and location to the prison but I'm stuck in the first room because I didn't know what quest to change it to

    1. I would look in one of the *_invoke.scr files for the quest definitions (in the .pak files, under Data\Quests\[map name]\).

  10. There's somethign weird about developer crafts. I cant add them directly to my inventory because you say "only licensed users can, to avoid abuses".

    Yet i can simply add the blueprints and diamonds to craft it or apply the mod itself to a random weapon.

    If you want to block it, do it everyhwere. Else it's just a nuissance.

    1. Hello :)

      You can of course apply mods to weapons and unlock them. Adding them to your inventory as drop-able items is however not possible originally (as far as I know). This could help you complete achievements, and you could even help others complete achievements online. It's an additional, but locked feature, so do you think it's reasonable to block them everywhere? :)

      A few exceptions might be some of the developer plans but I haven't tested this myself. If they can be crafted and added to your inventory (so that they can be dropped and given to others), I would consider making exceptions for only them.

      If I removed them from the list of items that you can add to your inventory, and show them only once you register DISE, you (and others) would not even know of the possibilities.

      After hearing this, what would you suggest to make it less of a nuisance for you?

      An idea I pulled out of my head while writing this, is to have a checkbox in the dialog box (the nuisance) that lets you choose whether you want to see those locked items or not.

  11. Hi i was wondering how do you mod the damage on the weapons? or is that just level related?

    thanks in advance - also very nice tool you got here!

    1. Me again - i found out that leaving it at 0 give some really GOOD stats (even better than 484) still doing reasearch on some more "insane" numbers

    2. Hey! Thank you! :D
      Actually, leaving it at 0 now with level 60 and orange color, is the same as 484 before. How about trying 709? I think it should give you even better stats.

    3. 709 is indeed better. I'll keep looking for higher stats - will keep you informed

    4. I usually use a Random number for my weapons, but then again the results are wildly irregular :( So leaving it at Zero ( 0 ) or using 484 or 709 give good stats consistently?


    5. Doesn't seem like anyone really knows how it works, but it does look like 709 will give good stats, or close to best, pretty consistently. I like to understand how stuff works before I work more on them, but if 709 is good and consistent, hardcoding that value would be better than nothing. :)

    6. Those numbers work for guns, as well?


    7. I really like adding weapon mod to my Fists, makes the game much more enjoyable, especially when playing Sam B in the beginning.

  12. is there anyway to download this without needing mediafinder?

    1. I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with this mediafinder that you speak of. Regardless, it's not needed.

  13. so cool and all but..

    can you try to add the fury weapons in, like logan or sam b's fists?

    I was used to do it when dev was out into the public.

    Also can you remove donator? I'd pay but i dont hav money D:

    1. In that case, the weapons/fists should be in there, e.g. Melee_FuryFist, Fury_Colt. You can add them manually (Add custom item) or switch the naming to technical names. :)

      Did you mean that you wish me to make everything 100% free? Even $1 is okay. :)

    2. Like this:

    3. For some reason, i can only find Fury_M9_N, Melee_FuryFist_N, Melee_FuryKnife_N

    4. Could you please show me a screen shot of it (the whole window)? Thanks.

  14. When will the next version be out?

    Is there a way you could make the Chainsaw not wear out?

    1. When my "Donation Center" is live (I've been moving it onto the remote server and getting things ready), I will continue working on DISE, following a release soon after. You can make it "Unbreakable" but it seems to not work on the Xbox well while it does on the PC.

  15. how do i add a custom item its not showing up in the game :(

    1. Hello!
      It should work as long as you enter the internal name properly. The name starts with "Melee_" or "Firearm_", but depends on the name the items were given (of course). :)

  16. your tool seems amazeing however it dosnt seem to work on the xbox at all i try adding all mods/collectables but anytime i load up none of my changes are made i have been modding a long time and have never had this issue using the latest version of your tool i was trying to have the "unbrakeable" selection on my items which i read did not work however after removeing that it did not fix my issue so im not sure how to fix this

    1. Do you use Modio, Horizon or something else? If not Modio 3.0, I suggest trying it. Here's a video:

      DISE itself saves properly but I know that for some reason, these 3rd party programs seem to do something with the files that makes them not always load properly on the Xbox. I don't know why, though, but I know that Modio 3.0 works, even if I have also experienced that none of the changes were effective the first time.

    2. i use modio i always have and i have folowed the video by going into the file contents and extracting and using the replace file root to put it back on then rehash and resign i have tried about 6 diffrent times to no avail

    3. Strange! If you wish, I can try your modded save after I get some sleep. If you open the same save with DISE again, do you see your previous changes? Have you updated your game to 1.3.0? (I believe not updating can also a cause problems)

    4. where would i send my file for you to try it?

    5. You can e-mail me here:

    6. i sent you an email sorry for the much later response it should be from an @ address incase it goes to your spam. not reaviling the entire address because im weird but yeah

    7. im availiable through aim via that same address if it makes me answering/asking questions easier

  17. i have tried that i saved put on my usb rehashed and then extracted it back off to see if the changes where still there and when i did open them in the editer the changes where still there however when i start up the game with no changes and try bringing it back into the editer it acts as if nothing was changed so idk whats happening there i am using the latest version of the game 1.3 the only thing i havnt tried is to like fast travel somewhere and make the game do a force auto save and then try to remod

    1. Sounds a bit strange. You're sure you are using the correct game-save? I know, it's such a silly question. :\
      If you wish, you can e-mail your game-save here:
      I can then try it and see what happens.

  18. Hey its karen again lol... just noticed in the tweaks section within DISe that it pretty much covers everything.

    Except for the torch!!!! would it be possible to add a tweak to stop the dang torch turning off lol.. such a pain.

    Thanks :D

    1. I have tried to find a way to have unlimited battery but... Wait.. I tried before, and I thought that the current charge was not stored in the save, because it would always reset once I quit and restarted the game. Maybe I did not make sure to reach checkpoints.. I should have another look. :o It's not possible using skill tweaks, but *if* the current charge is stored in the game-save.. then just maybe it's possibly to find a way. I will do some testing before I get back to you. :)

    2. I tested it again, and I'm afraid the battery charge resets, so it's not stored in the save, or not used. :\ There are no skills that can be used ether. Sorry.

    3. Oh, the only option left that I know of, would be to use my trainer on the PC.

  19. Yeah I had a trainer that could do it but its pretty crappy and not sure if that would get me bashed with Valves VAC hammer of doom.

    Ahh well :D cant have everything. Thanks for trying though.

    1. I suggest trying my trainer here:

      If you haven't already. I'm pretty sure it's not crappy. :)
      You should be fine with VAC in single player games (since I have been doing a lot of testing with it and never got banned). It even works online, but I would turn off VAC first. :)

  20. Ahh sorry Steffen I didnt mean to imply yours was :D I just meant the ones I've found via google. I will try the one you linked :D

    1. No worries, I knew that after reading over it again! :D Mine should work on every version of the game, as I've been using 9 different copies of the game to make sure it works. I haven't tested it with the new, GOTY edition, though, but would support that one as well if it doesn't work already. :)

  21. Holy crap this is awesome! Looks like you've put alot of time and effort into this man! Unfortunately, i dont have paypal or a credit card to donate for the premium features! Do you think you could tell me how can i hex edit my backpack/inventory slots to like an infinite amount because thats what i want the most, it would help me out alot!

    Im on xbox btw.

    1. Thank you! Since DISE doesn't search for offsets, it would be a bit hard for me to tell you how to do it manually with a hex editor without spending time myself to do the research. You would need to change a value in two separate places as well.. And there's no good way to simply search and find the offsets. :\

      The free skill tweak raises your backpack slot count up to 92, though, if that's enough for you. If you don't need to keep everything in your inventory, you can of course move some things over to the storage list (Jin).

      Not sure how much this helps you, though. What do you think?

    2. Okay i understand man, but overall great save editor!

      Ill have to see if i can get premium soon.

      Thanks anyway. :)

  22. hi thanks for the editor.

    i was wondering why is that my game freezed when its trying to load. is it because of my game progess? its 8% at the moment. i can even add all the skills and all the blueprints. please help

    1. This can happen on the Xbox (not PC) if some skills have too many points (may be a good idea to keep skills around 16,000 or lower, but some skills will cause pretty bad side effects if you don't use the the skill tweaks) or other things like ammo count or quantity for items, are too high. Hmm. Certain weapons, such as the Stationary Gun will freeze your game for sure on an unmodded game. I could have a look at your save and see if there's something obvious. I'm pretty sure it has to do with one of the things I mentioned, at least.

      Please feel free to email me:

  23. hey i just sent u an email.


    1. Thank you. :) I have not received it yet, so it appears to be delayed. You may also want to make sure you sent it to the correct e-mail address. :)

  24. yeh ive sent to the correct address. hopefully u get it soon. im using gmail btw.

    anyway looking forward to hear from u soon

    1. Finally received it just a few minutes ago. Thanks. :)

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Thank you! I replied. Did you receive it? :)

    2. I deleted your post because it's easy for spam bots to pick up my e-mail address.

    3. Oh sorry my mistake for putting that there. Yes I received your email thank you so much. :)

    4. No worries! :) Thank you very much, too! :D

    5. Hey Man Great Program , But How am I Supposed to Save it ? When i hit Save, Nothing Happens. But when i Hit Save As > Desktop > and Save_1, it Sais that the File is already in a Process, Then when i try to put it back into either Modio or Harizon it Sais it needs to be a certain kind of Package that im guessing its Not in.

    6. Hello! Thank you very much!
      I think this video will help you. :)

  26. Nameless Creature09 August, 2012 01:38

    Steffen, you're still alive, right? And still working on this?

    Just being worried, I use an older version of yours, it's 55, no 55.xx, is the new version stable?

    1. Hello!

      I'm alive and well, thank you! :) Just super busy lately. :\

      I'm sorry you haven't gotten the update notice. After I started redesigning the whole updating system, I never got it up and running as I planned. The online service is running but I had (or have) some server issues so that prevents you from even downloading updates. DISE shows blog posts now so that while the auto-updating does not work, you can at least see the news.

      Right now, I'm working on finalizing another website (donation center) before I continue working on DISE.

      The most recent version is certainly stable for use, but I never bumped the version from 55 to 56 because the updating is broken. That means currently around 30 releases after "alpha 55".

  27. Hmm not sure if i do anything wrong there, but i try to reset my personal statistiks, so all achievements are reset to zero.

    I load the profile... hit "reset"... and then "sync now". When i start the game my statistics and achievements are all still there. So what am i missing out on?

    We try to reset our achievments to play a multiplayer game together with new chars... without having "big level jumps" cause someone finishes a level 4 achievement.

    1. Hello!

      Achievements will not be reset, but I think I know how to do it. I'll try to get that into DISE as well. First, I need try it and see if my guess is correct :)

      Feel free to e-mail me as well so that I can contact you with whatever I find out. :)

    2. I'm sorry. I as wrong. I even wrote a script for a hex editor I'm not familiar with to reset the data, because I thought I knew what I was doing.

      The achievements should also be reset using the same button to reset your personal statistics (and I'm not sure why I didn't write it in DISE, and I'm not even sure if I knew at that time). I tried it on one of my copies of the game and found that it worked. Please make sure to save before syncing, then see if there is any difference. :)

    3. Hmmm i deleted all my savegames beforehand, as we wanted to start "from scratch". Is that the problem? Does it fail to sync when there are no savegames, but only the profile?

      I noticed that everything was still there.. personal statistics, achievments.. all that was still there after hitting reset... then sync... then starting up Dead Island

      I will see if i maybe missed out on any step :)

    4. You said that you reset, then sync. Between that, you must also save your profile. That's the only thing I can think of at the moment. Syncing works per file, and will only sync the opened file. :)

    5. And there should be no problem if you deleted your saves. :)

    6. Ok guess the error was on my end.... the steps are to load... press reset... hit save.. then sync.

      Missed out on the saving step - now it worked :)

      So thanks for this very great and helpful tool, that will allow us to start our multiplayer round "on the same level"

    7. Oh, great! Thank you very much for saying that! Please have fun! :D

  28. a bit stupid question:I have pirate version of this game so can i edit and save my profile without steam , or how can i sync with steam?

    1. If you don't use Steam at all, you don't have to sync.

    2. ok , but when i press save as and overite my save , launch game , press countinue then it crashes. what is the problem?

      sry for double post

    3. Certain weapons will freeze/crash the game, such as the Stationary MG. Did you add it to your inventory?

    4. No , i have added crowd pleaser , m1 garand , defender of the motherland , heavy pistol , auto rifle and short shotgun

    5. If you wish, I can test your modded save. :) Please just e-mail it to me and I'll have a look. :)

    6. No need , i have tried edit with original save again and now it works...i will just add 5 weapons at a time and then test it if it works.

      Thanks again for help!

      BTW this editor kicks ass, respect!

    7. Okay, just let me know if you change your mind. :)
      Also, thank you very much for saying that! :D

  29. I have the latest version of DISE. I am trying to modify my xbox 360 savegame. Each time i save it wants me to sync steam cloud but the process fails because "The file does not appear to be in your Steam account's game storage folder". What do i do?

    1. You do not need to sync in that case, as it's only for Steam. You can turn off auto-syncing if you enabled it, from Tools > Auto-sync. :)

    2. Very fast reply :D. I will try and let you know.

    3. The save file ended up becoming corrupted. I tried the process twice.

    4. Alright i did the process one last time but with 1 item. I am assuming i was adding way too much stuff in the beginning attempts. Seems to work fine now. Great tool!

    5. Thank you! Although I'm not sure why this happens to you and some other people, I would love to know exactly why. :\ It usually works fine for me both on the PC and Xbox, so it's a bit hard to reproduce. :(

  30. What gun/rifle/shotgun does most damage and what blueprint is best for it?

    1. Sorry, I usually leave it up for people to experiment. You can however see all of the additional effects mods have, on the Mods/Collectibles tab. :)

  31. Have the attribute ID's been figured it in any way? How can I max my modified weapons damage?

    1. Not really, but a value of 709 should give good stats. :)

    2. Alright thanks.

    3. Good luck! :)

      There are skill tweaks for boosting weapon damage, but the boosted stats are effective only while you hold them.

    4. The boosted weapon damage tweak works nicely. 709 seems to really vary weapon to weapon. Does changing the level requirement do anything at all?

    5. I'm glad at least the tweak works. The stats are different for every weapon, yes. 709 has given better stats than other values, according to other people. The required level will also affect the final stats by quite a lot, yes. :)
