
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Release: DISE

Finally - as promised - here's an update. :)
Not a lot of changes but I think some of them are meaningful. :)


  • Added user preferences for merging of items to inventory lists' context menu:
    • Merge mods. Mod blueprints will not be taken into consideration when this is enabled. Disabled by default.
    • Merge chainsaws. Chainsaws will be merged. Disabled by default.
  • Skill tweak "Enemies won't attack" modifies another skill to prevent it from canceling out the effect of this tweak.
  • Changed the URL for the news, since I'm using my own script to generate the news box now. No need to be alarmed if your software firewall makes notice of it. :)
  • On the Misc. tab, made "Infinite health and stamina" free. Nothing else was changed, so it's still not  - and probably never will be - stable for use on the Xbox.
  • Installer doesn't require admin privileges anymore. If you run it normally, the default root installation folder will be %localappdata%. If you run it as admin, it'll be %programfiles%. To get the same behavior as before, simply run as admin (on Windows Vista/7, right-click > Run as Administrator). I realize that some people are paranoid and others are simply careful. :)
  • Updated/Improved Norwegian translation for v0.0.55.31.
  • Various smaller UI/text changes.
  • Changed text for resetting personal statistics and challenges, to include achievements.
  • Raised the max skill point limit for the free edition. Old limit was 8-10; new limit is 14-16. Currently affected tweaks (and are now better):
    • Moderate weapon damage boost.
    • Somewhat improved force with blunt/two-handed weapons.
    • Moderate stamina and regeneration boost.
    • Moderate ammo capacity boost.
    • Medkits heal you completely.
    • Moderate backpack slot boost.
  • When you have 3rd party/custom items in your inventory (which are unknown to DISE), DISE tries to categorize them based on their internal name (Melee_, Firearm_, etc).


dise- | mirror | SHA1: 3bf81b990f2e1d65b8a73f90450b60ceca80329b | mirror | SHA1: 1927b28eb410df045c925625ca3592c04afcd68d (without languages and assets)


  1. Thank you for the excellent work.
    Just a note, when activating the health infinite, and when battle insurgents, become a game is very slow, and repealed the sound in the game.
    Other features worked without problems.
    Thanks again for this work, and to Sorry my language non-good.

    1. Thank you! :)

      Do you play on the PC or Xbox? I've heard about issues on the Xbox while it seemed okay on the PC at least in my case (but still not completely without issues on the PC).

      Still, it's better to just use the skill tweak(s) since they are more reliable. :)

  2. Thank you, and I play on the PC.
    Correctly, the skills tweak(s)best in the game.

  3. pc froze up after running this editor. had to unplug it.... so... thank you very much

    1. Hello!

      I'm sorry to hear that, and that does not sound normal. Your sarcasm is obvious, but DISE does however not do anything that should make your computer freeze.

      In order to help you find a solution, it would be helpful for me if you could provide some more details about the problem, such as exactly what you did prior to your PC freezing. If possible, detailed steps to reproduce the problem would be best.

      Does it freeze just after starting DISE? While the game loads your save? Randomly in-game?

      Do you use anti-virus software or 3rd party software firewall? If so, it's common for such programs to freeze your computer if they have bugs and such.

      Please feel free to e-mail me:

    2. my pc froze while i was editing a save file in DISE, i was in the inventory section when it happened , but i ran the editor as admin and it worked fine after that. didn't use the installer version , OS: Windows 7 ultimate x64

    3. forgot to mention that i use nod32 antivirus 5.2.91 and windows firewall , hope it helps

    4. Thank you.

      I assume you use DISE v0.0.55.31. Are you able to reproduce the issue? This is very important. :)

      If DISE is at fault, or if it was because of your anti-virus, I think it should be easier make your computer freeze again by doing the same thing(s) as earlier.

      It's the very first time I hear that the whole computer freezes because of DISE, and I believe it is technically not be possible for DISE to do that by itself.

      By the way, you may be missing out on things if you don't use the installer. It doesn't need admin privileges. :)

    5. i used the installer this time , but i can't reproduce the issue,i will let you know if it happens again.

    6. Okay. Thanks for letting me know. :)

  4. Hello, I just downloaded this editor today, (5 hours ago, actually) to use on the xbox 360 and I have tried, multiple times to edit my Sam B character save. I use modio to open the USB drive, extract the save to my desktop, and edit, (tweaks, skill points, inventory. Which all three seem to be good) But when I save it, insert it into my USB and rehash/resign, and play it, it is as it was before the edit. I have tried with staying in game (main menu), Dashboard, and a complete system restart... And it still does not work... I tried to use Horizon, but it said something about the NTFS file being incorrect? Any and all assistance is appreciated...


    1. Okay.. No edit... I have gotten Horizon to be able to inject it to my USB now, but the same result is happening, no changes are made to my character, so it must be on my end...

    2. Okay! Third and hopefully final update... I got it to work.. It seems I needed to extract a file out the save file? I dunno if that was it... But I got it to work, and now am s(laugh)tering like crazy! Thanks Mate, I'll have to check on my funds, but I'll Do... Contribute as soon as I'm able...

    3. Hello!

      I'm glad you got it working, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

      Currently, it's a bit more tricky if you use the integrated Xbox content package viewer, since it can open the file(s) but not repackage the STFS/Con files. For now, it may be easier and less confusing to just do it as you did the 3rd time.

      All d..contributions are warmly welcome! :D

  5. Looks good keep up the good work!

  6. How do you get it to work on xbox 360?

    1. Please see this:

      If it doesn't help, you can e-mail me any time. :)

  7. Hello Steffen,

    Is it possible to release a standalone version?

    Thanks for everything.

  8. Sorry, ignore the last post.

  9. Nameless Creature05 September, 2012 15:04

    Hey, sorry for not responding before, I can't seem to find myself.

    Anyway, I don't understand, "free"? You mean, I have to pay just to get infinite stamina and no limit for putting skill points?

    I hope it is not like that, because I REALLY hate "premium content".

    Please, don't make this great tool into a "premium ridden" POS like Super Monday Night Combat!

    1. Hello!

      That's okay if you have not responded.

      Hmm. Having unlimited skill points will break the gameplay if you e.g. max out your skills. People usually ask what's wrong in that case. It's also to somewhat limit how much of an advantage you can have in online games. That is why I think that modders may want to get rid of that limitation, and my original idea was also to somewhat help reduce the amount of people who want to cheat online.

      The original idea wasn't "free" and "premium" content, but because of these limitations, skill tweaks would have to be divided.

      There are no reliable ways to get infinite stamina other than maxing out some skill(s), but you will have more or less "enough" with the "free" skill tweak anyway.

      I really don't want DISE to become a "premium ridden" tool, so my idea was always that (almost) everything would have no limits. More ways to break the game, of course.

      I will have a look at Super Monday Night Combat as well.

    2. Nameless Creature06 September, 2012 16:19

      Breaking the gameplay is indeed cheating and very bad, but honestly, save editors can be gameplay breakers sometimes too.

      9999 throwable weapons (Like molotov), a hundred "developer craft" weapons, millions of medikits, etc. It indeed actually breaks gameplay, you just sometimes won't really notice it.

      It is people's choice if they want to play with a cheater or not, so yeah, I don't know if DI has a "vote kick" system, if it does, then that is what for; To kick anyone who "abused" DISE.

      You say the original idea wasn't free or premium, but, there is a tab called "Premium" there, I know there is nothing there, but I don't know if it is "yet" or "will never be", know what I mean? What I mean is, if you will put some stuff on premium, or not, and completely remove it, not worth even for decor.

      The tweaks look rather silly. You're actually already breaking the gameplay with the "non-premium" tweaks.

      As I said before, the best solution would be, if possible, to make it as people's choice; If the player thinks he "abused" DISE, he shall be vote kicked.

    3. Hmm. I feel a little bad when you say it that way.

      I had to call the "unlocked" features something, and the choice fell on "premium". DISE was actually more restricted before "premium" came into play. Skills could not be increased further than the original max limit (1 and 3). After the idea of these skill tweaks (or presets), I had to increase the limits slightly. After that, I increased the limit yet another time.

      Since the game has no protection against edited saves, I wish that I - as a tiny developer - can do something, with the little power I have.

      Of course, after increasing the limits multiple times and adding more "game-breaking" things, one could question whether it's sensible to have any restrictions at all. I see that one.

      Then again, unrestricted also means the game will really break, meaning crash/freeze, especially on the Xbox. Of course, making DISE more "fool"-proof can help.

      Again, I don't have a great interest in the money itself, even if it helps my spirit and economy, and helps me gain some experience with online "business".

      I'm going to create a poll later and ask people for opinions.

  10. Nameless Creature05 September, 2012 15:33

    I remember I said that I don't mind it having "donator-edition", but I thought you meant it will be specifically for modders.

    But what I can see is that on "Skill tweaks" there are so many features that are the typical premium ones, pay for some huge-ass over-powered functions.

    That is the type of premium I meant, the one that I really hate.

    People will still donate even if there is no premium feature.

    I think the best idea would be to have DISE as it is, no premium, but still have appreciation for donations, it really is the best thing to do.

    And of course, I LOVE your DISE, I'm not gonna hate it for having premium.

    1. Thank you. Please also see my previous reply.

      I deeply care about your opinions and I will think hard about this.

      If you don't mind, may we exchange just a few private e-mails?

    2. Nameless Creature06 September, 2012 16:11

      Sure, but private e-mails, not really, I don't use my e-mail because EVERY e-mail provider (hotmail, yahoo, google) screws me up.

      I can talk to you via Steam if you want (and you have it), add me; Strelet12

    3. I see. Sorry to hear that. I have never had major issues with any e-mail provider (especially not Gmail).

      I would really have preferred e-mailing, for historical reasons and because they are easily searchable.

      I will however add you on Steam.

  11. Nameless Creature06 September, 2012 16:24

    Also, SMNC was just a guess, haha. I never played it, but I'm very sure it has some horrible "premium" content that is overpowered, more overpowered than TF2s.

    A good example would be "Blacklight Retribution", the game might be good, but it is purely "pay to win", since you start with bad weaponry and you need to play for 7 days 24/7 just to get ONE permanent good weapon, armour, or anything else.

    A tool can't really be made "pay for win", but the "cheating tweaks"...

    1. I understand what you mean, and that was never what I had in mind with DISE.

  12. Nameless Creature10 September, 2012 14:29

    Steffen, don't stop now man! Remember the suggestions I gave you, you should implement them, I'm sure they're possible.

    I also tested the attributes, it really sucks to find them.

    1. Hey!
      As shameful as it is, I forgot to save the chat log. As you know, Steam does not save it for you. :/
      I don't plan to stop now, of course. Something unexpected came up in my life and my mind has been more or less full. :|
      To the people who are waiting for the next release: I'm sorry for the the lack of responses and updates. :(

  13. Nameless Creature13 September, 2012 01:18

    Steffen, out of topic, sorry about it, but...

    If it is possible and you can, can you make a trainer for a game? Get on Steam to talk about it.

    1. Just for the record, we talked about this earlier. :)

  14. Hey Steffen deep silver has recently announced the relase of Dead Island 2: Riptide and I was wondering if you were planning on making a save editor for that game as well? Here's the link to official page in case you haven't seen it yet :)

    1. Hello!

      Sorry for the delay! Haven't had internet at home for days.

      Thank you for the link! I'll definitely have a look at it when that time comes. :)

  15. Hello!

    I absolutely LOVE the editor . but it either sais that

    my file is corrupted or no changes took place .

    could you please help me out i would appreciate it greatly

    1. Hello!

      Thank you for saying that!

      Could you please share your save with me?

      Thank you! :)

  16. Everytime I click on the Icon to start the editor it freezes my pc, The program doesnt even get to start, I have window7 64bit, Windows defualt firewall, and Microsoft's antivirus essetials. I tried this 3 times double click your exe file and everytime it froze my pc, I used you setup program to install it

    1. Hello!

      That should (normally) never happen but anti-virus software (and such)0 are known to cause problems sometimes. I think MSE is pretty good though.

      If you're willing to send some computer info, please feel free to use a tool like Speccy ( ) and remove any private info before sending it to me.

      At the moment, I can't think of anything else than other software (or hardware) causing it, since DISE is (as far as I know), not able to do anything that can freeze your computer.

  17. trying to edit my save I edit the save but after I click save and then close it open the same save back up and it doesn't take effect anything I did so its basically not saving what I want to mod. Any help would be great

    1. hey , im having the same issue . can you please fixx !

    2. Hello! If you play the game on Xbox and use Horizon, please see this:
      If it's on Steam, please make sure to sync. :)
      If you still have problems, feel free to e-mail me so that we can try to sort it out:

    3. Whoops! That is the video for Modio. Here's for Horizon:
