
Friday, September 28, 2012

Release: DISE

Thanks to Caolan O'Sullivan for reporting the mentioned bug. It seems like the quality assurance team failed miserably.. Yes, that means myself. :/ I mean, it was pretty obvious that it wasn't working.


  • Fixed bug introduced in the previous update, causing changing mod blueprint for weapons to not work properly.
  • Increased bonus XP for kills and assists (by request). Hopefully not too much.
  • Bonus XP value is displayed as x8 and x200 instead of 800% and 20,000%.
  • Fixed/Updated texts.
  • Minor UI improvement (can scroll premium areas while they are locked).
  • Updated translations (mostly Russian and Norwegian).

Is x200 bonus XP for kills and assists way overkill?

Edit: Somehow, the polls (all of them, even for other blogs) were reset.. Last time I checked, the last answer had around than 120 votes, and the first one around 50.
Discussions about the problem (but no real help from Google yet): link


dise- | mirror | SHA1: 19f6f975a4017c1c904f24e865a9ced71596661e | mirror | SHA1: 2197e0a1cbc212febe8b8c1e4bb9ab5b02498a8c | mirror | SHA1: cbbcfa46bb9876ffe614dc6be16ce87cfe60b774 | mirror | SHA1: b31dec4fa776366e98b28cc62125b8e95167aac9


  1. Nameless Creature28 September, 2012 13:13

    Hey, me again.

    So yeah, can't say anything about this because I have not tried it, I'll still do it anyway since I pretty much must see that "XP increase" tweak.

    And I think you already know why I'm here, it's for Zero Hour trainer, I have something to tell you indeed, so get on Steam please?

    1. Nameless Creature06 October, 2012 17:43

      Got to say, I can be on Steam during the weekends since that is when I have some free time and such.

    2. I have some good news for you. Quite a bit of progress has been made with the world map, minimap as well as narrowing the features that worked for all players, down to just yourself. :)

    3. Yep, I got a week full of strike, and because everything is "calm", I am on Steam right now.

      -Nameless Creature

    4. NamelessCreature18 October, 2012 19:35

      Steffen, huge problems with the trainer.

      The hotkey type works, but apparently, the instant units will make it crash with the same error as I told you yesterday, seems like you accidentally put the old code that made me crash.

      And the hook loader doesn't even work, I try spawning the menu and it quickly crashed with that crash error. But I think that is normal, right? Since you said you'll focus on one "way".

    5. I used the same code (on purpose), and I don't have the same problem as you somehow. Tried to enable the cheat before loading a map? How about after?

    6. Also, does the trainer crash or the game itself?

    7. Tested on a different computer and it works fine there as well. Which operating system do you use?

    8. NamelessCreature21 October, 2012 15:24

      Steffen, you got to see the Zero Hour trainer again. The "Radar hack" has a funny bug, I don't think you even noticed.

      Though, thing is, I am not 100% sure, just 85%. Get on steam soon.

  2. How do i mod my guns power?

    1. Hello! I short, you can't simply do that (without modding your game's internals). What you can do is change the required level, rareness attributes value and such. Of course, you can also use the skill tweak(s) in DISE that boosts weapon damage overall. :)

  3. Hello!

    It's me again. If you need translator for your tool, i am willing to translate your tool in Finnish too :)
    All i need is file to translate. I know lang folder but i am not so sure if i am allowed to edit it without breaking your tool :D

    1. Hello again! Sorry for the delay. Someone worked on the translation but maybe more could be done there. How about we speak more via e-mail? I was improving translation support in DISE before I became so busy, so there's definitely more to do later.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. LoL. Translated in 1 day and also mailed it you now :P

  4. Hi!
    My problem is when i want save my file in Dise and it say :
    An error occured while syncing...
    Please help me!

    1. Please e-mail me here so we can find out the reason for this:
      Please also include whether you have the game on Steam (on PC) or not, and if you have moved your saves to a folder different than the default one. Thank you! :)

    2. open dise w/ admin privileges.

  5. doesnt seem to work for me... i have it all when i open the same but in the actual game its the same

    1. Hello!
      Please try this if you play on the Xbox:

  6. NamelessCreature14 November, 2012 11:54

    How goes DISE and ZHT? You already put up what I told you about DISE?

    I'm on Steam right now, I think.

    1. Hey!

      I wasn't able to meet you online today, but I do have good news for you:

      I have been able to implement immortality so that units are immortal even against vehicles (probably anything else as well). You would select some units, then press a hotkey to make them immortal, just the way we talked about earlier. It's a bit complex, and I even had to skip multi-version compatibility (and as you know, the "outside"-only trainer).

      Will need your help later to sort out the crash, and I'll try to add some crash handling and dumping to help you help me. :)

      I'm trying to focus on one project at a time, but I'll get to DISE after this one is finished because my mind gets too disorganized. Other than DISE, there are 2 projects I must focus heavily on.

  7. USB wont format to FAT32 for me to get the dead island save editor:/

    1. Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do. Do you mean that you have been using it on your Xbox (and it contains saves) but you cannot somehow extract your save from it to edit it with DISE?

      Does this help?

      If there really is a problem with the file system (e.g. FAT32), doesn't/didn't the Xbox format it to FAT32 before you can/could use it?

      I'm not sure if the Xbox would accept that, but you can still format it within Windows by writing a simple command line on newer versions of Windows, assuming you want to delete everything on the USB device (open the Command Prompt or just "cmd".

      Syntax: FORMAT volume [/FS:file-system] /Q

      Volume is the drive letter of your USB device.
      Example: FORMAT F: /FS:FAT32 /Q

      If you need more help, don't hesitate to ask. :)

  8. Glad to see your still modding


  9. i want the paid one how do i get it

    1. Thank you very much! Please see this:

  10. I like this modding tool but there are a few problems with this particular version. For one it will sometimes show the weapons and weapon mods as a really weird thing and I cant even understand it. And one thing that I dont like about this version is that I cant change a mod on an already existing weapon. I have to make a whole new weapon and preselect the mod I want on it.

    1. Hello, and thank you!

      > sometimes show the weapons and weapon mods as a really weird thing
      Is there any way you can try and explain this for me?

      > cant change a mod on an already existing weapon
      That was fixed in this version (*.55.34) so you shouldn't have that problem if you use it.

  11. NamelessCreature14 December, 2012 18:12

    Hey, I think I found some bugs on the soon-to-be-released Zero Hour trainer, but I am not very sure, come and check it out.

    1. NamelessCreature18 December, 2012 20:19

      Steffen, I think the "Immortality" hack for Zero Hour is slightly bugged.

      Not only is it immortality the unit (or structure, or anything else) gets, but instant rank up too. You should see this problem and probably fix it.

      P.S. Not at steam until weekends.

    2. NamelessCreature18 December, 2012 20:24

      Aaaand it looks like I busted something again; Immortality also grants "infinite ammo".

    3. Looks like you're right. Will have a look at when I have time. I think it would have been pretty convenient if we could talk via e-mails rather than my blog and Steam during weekends (without even support for offline messages).

    4. NamelessCreature19 December, 2012 15:10

      Steam is still the best way, but I agree about the blog.

      You should send me private messages on this YouTube channel;

      Ironically, it is where I get e-mails from my clients ;)

  12. NamelessCreature23 December, 2012 14:50

    Do you have the new ZH version ready?

    1. I'm afraid I do not have a new version of ZH for you, mostly because of the unresolved matter with your friend (promises go both ways). When I said I would fix bugs, I meant after the project is finished/released, and after that issue has been resolved.

      By the way: Sending only messages during fixed times on Steam is becoming a bit annoying, to be honest. Private messaging on other services like YouTube (or in public on a blog) is also somewhat outside of the "standard" way to communicate in private without spending a lot of efforts.

      After all, e-mailing is a widely accepted way to communicate on the internet. :)

    2. NamelessCreature24 December, 2012 12:46

      He ironically wasted it on a 50 dollar costing white rum, and what you mean "promises go both ways"? It seems the only "fatal" bug left to fix is only the immortal one, so yeah, the release is near.

      If "e-mail" was not a bitch to me, then it would be possible, but I found no way to make it "tame".

  13. NamelessCreature31 December, 2012 14:35

    I suppose you got no free time anymore as you said before.

    Don't worry, I'll make sure you get those 50 dollars.

  14. I need help my antivirus wont let me download the setup.exe what should i do?

    1. Hello! Could you please tell me which AV program you have and which version it is? One thing you can do (not recommended), is to disable your AV only while downloading and installing DISE. Alternatively, you can download * instead of *setup.exe, since it's the same, just without the installer. :)

  15. you will make a new version of dise?
    or the 0.55.34 is the final?

    will have a posible suport to the new dead island game,
    or you will make a entire new editor to the new game?(and we have to buy a new key)

    1. Hello!

      I've been having trouble getting automatic updates back online, it has been taking time to fix it. I've made extra effort lately to get this sorted out before releasing a new version of DISE. It's not the last version.

      I will also look at Riptide when it is released, and I can hopefully support both games in DISE so that you can use your existing key. :)

    2. but, if you make a new prograsm, you will use a second key, or the old key will work?

    3. It depends on how much work it takes to support Riptide and which of the current premium features still work for Riptide.

      The amount of work may not be enough to make a brand new program, but if so, I should use a different licensing key setup (since it's a separate project). This assumes that the current premium features still work in Riptide, or that I can take advantage of new features in it.

      In that case, your old key would work in DISE and not in the new editor just for Riptide.

      As long as I can keep using the current code base and add to it, I will do my best to support Riptide in DISE itself (then you can use your existing key). :)

      That may be beneficial for myself as well since I would manage only one project.

  16. Hey guys so i downloaded it, but none of the changes i make will save, and exporting is "Down" anyone care to enlighten?

    1. I will assume that you play on the Xbox. Since the integrated Xbox content package viewer isn't a full replacement for Horizon/Modio, it would be best to use the methods as described in my short video tutorials.


      If it's on the PC (Steam), please make sure to sync (after saving).

      I'm sorry that exporting is not enabled. It was a planned feature, but it was put on hold because of this:

  17. Yea anything i do with this tool it seems to corrupt my gamesave...

    1. It's not very likely that DISE corrupts saves, but I know that the game can think so, somehow.. I've tested quite a few "corrupted" saves but they were not corrupted at all since they loaded up just fine when I tested. There seems to be something else (outside of DISE) causing the game to think saves are corrupted.

  18. Hey,

    I have it for the 360 and im having syncing problems.
    Can you help please?

    1. Hello! Syncing is only for Steam/PC, so you don't have to use it.

      Please see one of the videos here for Xbox:

    2. I see. Thanks a lot.

  19. Hey man, I keep trying to Mod my save, but it doesnt work. I dont get the weapons or states I try to save. Can you help me please?

    1. Hello!

      Does this help?

  20. Hello Steffen. when I was going to allow my PC to accept the thing.. I saw you name Steffen N file in my computer???....
    Are tiy hacking oss???......

    1. If you're trying to troll, then you can stop now.

      If I was doing such a thing, you wouldn't have known whether it was I or not, and I certainly wouldn't have answered your question truthfully if I tried to hide something. ;)

      With that out of the way, you're free to ask me a better question either here or in private. :)

    2. plus if he was going to hack you i doubt he'd put his name on it :S

      - Josh J

  21. Can anybody send me a save game? Act 1 Quest- Born to be Wild. SInce beginning is boring.

    1. You can check the game-save repository:

      There are saves and just exported progress. You can import them into your own save.

  22. Hello.
    Can you tell me how to inject modified save Xbox 360 ?

    I extract my save with horizon, open with DISE, add a weapon and cash, save, and when I tried to inject me modified save with horizon into the game folder it does not work


  23. Hi! So... I can't seem to load my save in DISE. It's not a steam version and I can't seem to find where on my computer my version of the game sends the saves. Any advice for me?

  24. After i reset skill points, weapon skill stop give bonus and i have lvl 10 wpn sk already. So i cant get it again.(sry bad eng)

  25. Hi,i have v0.1.3.5 and i dont know whats wrong with attributes section because whatever number i set for damage,it is always 500/700 Is this have something with weapon level??? THX

  26. Hi, just dl and installed. it works great and definitely a good thing since you found lil cousin sneak in and ruin your Thanks

  27. hey steffen how do you load your inventory that you exported back into the editor

  28. Hey Steffen, I have installed DSIE and when I try to open my save it says unsupported file. I am using a Steam version of the game on Windows 8 64bit.

    1. Never mind, I got it to work using your most recent beta update. By the way, good work on the editor it works really nicely. :)
