
Friday, April 12, 2013

DISE and PS3 game-saves

Since someone asked me recently, I'll share this with everyone. DISE can edit PS3 saves with a little effort. I have however not been able to make the modded save work on the PS3. If any of you get it working, please do let me know the right way to do it! :)

I'll assume that you know how to extract your copy-protected files from the PS3 and decrypt them. DI saves are protected while Riptide saves are not. The game-save folder is /dev_hdd0/home/<user>/savedata/<title ID>-SG-SAVE_<save number>.


Roughly explained

After you have your decrypted files, look in the file COJ2-DSC. Take the 32-bit big-endian number in it and truncate the file COJ2-DAT to this number (most of the zeros at the end are removed). Again: if the number is 350/0x15e, make sure that the size of the file COJ2-DAT is 350/0x15e. You can then load it in DISE and mod it.

Game-save helper tool

This involves using a tool I made for a single purpose: helping you mod your PS3 save. The tool decrypts your save and prepares it for modding, and finalizes it when you're done modding. It does *not* magically fix the issues we've been having already. Python source code included in the zip archive.

I've currently only tested this tool with Riptide (and obviously it's not working yet).

What the tool does
Prepares your save for modding
  • Decrypts COJ2-DAT and COJ2-DSC using pfdtool.
  • Uses the number in COJ2-DSC to truncate COJ2-DAT.
Finalizes your save after modding
  • Updates the number in COJ2-DSC.
  • Appends zeroes to COJ2-DAT to make the file size 8 KB.
  • Encrypts COJ2-DAT and COJ2-DSC using pfdtool.

Game-save helper for Dead Island (PS3).

Use this tool along with DISE to mod your save.
Run "helper.exe" in the Command Prompt. See usage help below.

Author: Steffen André Langnes
Uses flatz' pfdtool for encryption/decryption.

Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------------

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)

Usage --------------------------------------------------------------------------

helper <base dir> <command>

Base dir: The directory where your files are located.
Command: p (prepare for modding), f (finalize modding).

Files needed -------------------------------------------------------------------


Stored on the PS3 in the following directory:
/dev_hdd0/home/<user>/savedata/<title ID>-SG-SAVE_<save number>

Examples -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Prepare your save for modding:
helper BLES01739-SG-SAVE_0 p

Finalize your modded save:
helper BLES01739-SG-SAVE_0 f
How to use (in pictures)
Extract the tool and your save somewhere. Hold down Shift on the keyboard and right-click inside this folder, then Open command window. Users of Windows XP can use the CmdHere Powertoy by Microsoft, or press Win+R, run "cmd" and use the "cd" command to navigate to the folder.
Prepare your save (decrypts the files and truncates the DAT file).
Mod your save in DISE.
Finalize your modded file (fixes the number in the DSC file, adds trailing zeros to the DAT file and then re-encrypts the files).

How to prepare your PS3 save for DISE using hex editor

Programs: PS3 Bruteforce Save Data, Hex Workshop.

Decrypt the DAT and DSC file. Select both files and click "Decrypt PFD".

Open the DSC file into your hex editor and make note of this number (in this example, 0x1D8 or 472).

Open the DAT file in your hex editor and go to a specific offset (Ctrl + G). Input the number you noted earlier.

Select everything from here until the end (Ctrl + Shift + End).

Delete the selection and save the file. It can now be loaded in DISE.


  1. Great work. do you have any plans for full support for ps3 in future updates of DISE including riptide? thanks again.

    1. Thank you! :) I'm working on Riptide, yes. I really want to support PS3 completely, but I haven't yet been able to get modded saves working again on the PS3. Perhaps I just need to try again or a little harder. Will get to that eventually, and I'll appreciate any testing/help on making them work again. :)

    2. I have followed the steps using your helper tool. I cant get mine to work yet. Do you have an update for the ps3?

    3. I did the steps but DISE keeps saying that it is an unsupported file. Can we please get a Tutorial for PS3?

  2. less comments more work :)) danke :) wenn du je ein grosser wie kimble schmitz werden willst musst du jetzt mal gas geben!! wir brauchen das für ps3 HEUTE!! nicht morgen. heute!

  3. Wehe, mein Freund, Keine Sorge, wenn DISE PS3 unterstützt. Genau wissen, dass diese wunderbare Entwickler arbeiten daran. Erinnern Sie sich, "Alle guten Dinge kommen zu denen, die warten!" If you don't speak German, I'm sure Google can help out with it's translator tool.

  4. Why even put it in German if you already know English.

    1. to answer your question kind sir/ma'am, german is my second tong. I enjoy speaking it. :) im just supporting what i love.

  5. hey man i decrypt it using bruteforce but i dont understand what im suppose to do after that can u make a video tutorial when u have time

    1. yes me too i have teh same problem on ps3 . i use bruteforce too and i dont know what to do . but on xbox its works

    2. i also dont know what to do after decrypt the files with bruteforce a video may be nice im new on ps3 (2 month)

  6. dise don't want to open my ps3 save solution ?????

  7. i don t know how to extract my copy-protected files from the PS3 and decrypt . can you make a video tuto ?

  8. Will the DISE (Riptide) work for the ps3

  9. wats the programm we got to take to Take the 32-bit bit-endian number in it and truncate the file COJ2-DAT ??????????

  10. Hello, Thx for this Tool.
    I can edit my save after remove the offset in end file COJ2-DAT - Ok
    I use DISE 1.27 and i edited my save.

    BUT after when i encrypt ths save and put it in my PS3, the game don't want load the save ?

    An idea ?

  11. all the tutorials you have is for xbox can we have one for ps3 ? thanks

  12. oh man selten so einen faulen coder erlebt wieso geht das immernoch nich auf ps3 müssen wir erst auf dead island 3 warten

  13. I use bruteforce for decrypt the file but after?

  14. i dont understand how you use ps3 savegame in dise, i tryed doing what you wrote but its not clear enough.

  15. I hope you will make a video for ps3 im not the only one who dont understand

  16. Hello,
    i still search to work my save modded with DISE in my PS3
    Once i edited my save with DISE, i edited COJ2-DSC for the new offset (that i had on COJ2-DAT) - i encrypted all my file.

    But PS3 don't want load this save.
    I tried many tests and nothing to do, no idea

  17. Everyone,

    I wish I had a solution for the PS3 saves, but I've not been able to make modded saves work on the PS3, only decrypt and prepare them for modding in DISE.

    I wrote this in the blog post before, but now I've now highlighted it in red in case it was hard to see it. :)

    1. Steffen, I knew it ;)
      I just want to help you...

    2. I see. Thank you! :) I'll warmly welcome anything that helps. :)

  18. Did you get it to work yet?

  19. What is the app for take the 32-bit bit-endian?

    1. Hexadecimal editor, there are many free apps for this ;)

    2. And how can I find the 32-bit bit-endian?

    3. "look in the file COJ2-DSC"
      open this file and take the 32 bit end :
      00 00 xx xx (x : hex number)

  20. downloaded dise this morning,spent two hours trying to get dise to open my ps3 game save,it wouldnt do it,dont know how to decrypt it,was really excited to finally mod my save but guess ill wait,really wanted the ''named'' weapons,do you know about how long til ps3 if fully supported

  21. Hey after I find the 32 bit endian number what do i do from there? please help me as I've decrypted both the COJ2-DSC and the COJ2-DAT file. I've tried everything and I can't get my COJ2-DAT file to open in DISE because I don't get what to do after finding the 32 bit endian number so if anyone can help me, I'd greatly appreciate it and I hope Steffen can make this program fully supportable for the PS3.

  22. Everyone,

    I've updated the blog post with pictures and a script at the end. :)

  23. for the number i got a huge number like 91291819 and you got 472, im lost, but thank you for your hard work bro :)

    1. yes me too and i use hex workshop how to put the save back in ps3 with brutalforce ?

    2. You are probably viewing values using little-endian mode, so you must switch to big-endian.

  24. Hey thanks for this Steffen! it's a big help bro. Yes this helps a lot and makes things easier, we really appreciate this.

  25. Ok I'm stuck and would appreciate any help, I can get the COJ2-DAT file to open in DISE and mod it too. After that I save it and encrypt both COJ2-DAT and COJ2-DSC with PS3 Bruteforce but when I put the save back onto the PS3 everything still stays the same? Please tell me what I'm doing wrong. By the way I'm using a normal PS3 and I transferred my save file via USB. Is it because your program only works with jailbroken PS3's? please help me this is starting to get frustrating. If anyone knows how to do this for PS3 please do put up a video tutorial to help us out.

    Thank you

    1. Since the saves for Riptide are not copy-protected, a "jailbroken" PS3 shouldn't be required for that game. I've tried the same steps as I did for DI, and Riptide didn't accept the save either. Hoping someone who knows more about how this works can help out. :)

  26. Hey Steffen,
    I followed all the steps you laid out, got the file decrypted and truncated the file based on the endian number in the COJ2-DSC. My question, is what if you copied the hex info that you delete in the DAT file instead of just deleting it. Then after you mod the game save, open it back up in hex workshop and past the code you deleted before encrypting the game save?

    I'm at work or I would try it, just curious if you tried this already

    1. Hello,

      Thank you! I'm afraid I've tried this. The original file size of the DAT file is 8192 bytes, and I've inserted (8192 - real file size) number of zeros at the end so that the file size is 8192 bytes again.

    2. Yeah Steffen I've also tried doing that and it just doesn't work : ( hopefully someone will be able to figure out how to get it done for the PS3. Thanks Steffen for telling me that I don't need a jailbroken PS3 to accomplish this because Riptide's save file is not locked. Well at least I can get the COJ2-DAT file to open in DISE and I can mod it, now I just need to know how to save it properly and transfer the whole thing onto the PS3.

  27. I do not get the truncating part at all. How exactly is it done. what does it mean by "truncate".

    1. You need to remove data at the end of COJ2-DAT until its total file size ends up at the number specified in COJ2-DSC. :)

    2. oh ok, but the number for COJ2-DSC, its a big number it gives me like 169372872 and sets are like "00 00 14 65"

  28. Hey Steffen I think I know what the problem is. You see once you've finished modding the COJ2-DAT file in DISE you click save but once you go to PS3 Bruteforce you can still see that the game save has not updated at all. This is what I tried...

    1. Mod COJ2-DAT in DISE and change the story progress like if you're on chapter 3, change it to chapter 10

    2. Mod COJ2-DAT in DISE and change your character like if you're John, choose Sam B

    3. Save the file

    4. Open up PS3 Bruteforce and refresh the save, you'll clearly see nothing you did in DISE got saved

    Give it a try Steffen if you already haven't and see what you can do from there. I'm still trying to get it to work and I hope others are too. Come on guys we can make it happen!! :D

    1. Sorry for the delay. I'm afraid I've tried this already (without success, of course). :/

      Please see this reply as well:

  29. Hello everyone, any luck with getting your modded to save to get updated and working on the PS3?. I've tried everything and the save does not update at all it just stays the same. I'm thinking we're going to need another application to update our save data so our modded save can be used on the PS3. PS3 Bruteforce is no good as it won't update the saved game at all so anything you modded in DISE will not be updated in the save. It'll just stay the same as if you never modded it which is starting to suck!

  30. Well any luck anyone?. So it looks like DISE modded saves will not update and therefore won't work right?. Well I guess it's time to sell the PS3 and get a 360 cause modding is a pain in the a*** with the PS3.

  31. I have an idea and she don't work for load the save but she can help. After you have edited your save, take the size of the DAT ant convert this decimal with this: and after open the DSC with hex workshop and change the last numbers. For exemple, the size is 2108, I translate and I get 83c. I place it on the DSC and I get 00 00 00 08 3C and the int32 is 2108. After, I replace the 00 in the DAT for get in size: 8192 but not work.

  32. Have some helpful info here, however I haven't also been able to make the modded save work on PS3.

    Before decryption

    COJ2-DSC size = 1 KB, 16 Bytes

    COJ2-DAT size = 8 KB, 8.00 KB

    After decryption

    COJ2-DSC size = 1 KB, 4 Bytes

    COJ2-DAT size = 8 KB, 8.00 KB

    1. Yeah, this looks correct. :)

    2. Hey Steffen after you truncate a few hex bytes in the COJ2-DAT file. Should you end up with the COJ2-DAT file size as 5 KB? another thing I wanted to ask was after you finish modding your save in the save editor is it necessary to re-add the hex bytes you deleted back again to the COJ2-DAT file or can you just encrypt it straight after you save it in the save editor?.

      Thank You I hope you can get it working : )

    3. 5 KB looks fine. I've tried to both add the zeroes and leave them out (without success).

    4. Thanks I wanted to know because I've tried both as well and the PS3 was able to read the save both ways, however the things I modded would not be there at all as if I didn't mod the save at all.

  33. Well it looks like this topic is dead and no one cares. End conclusion DISE will never work for Riptide for the PS3.

    1. It's not that I don't care, but I've already tried pretty much all I'm able to do by myself. :)

  34. I received an e-mail stating that one may need to package the file on the PS3 rather than with the Bruteforce tool/pfdtool. If this is true, then it can be done on jailbroken PS3... However, that would require special software which someone must create, unless there is one already.

    Sadly, this info isn't helpful enough to actually try to do something like that. I still think it's strange if the pfdtool/Bruteforce tool can't be used, since we're clearly able to decrypt the files properly.

    What I've noticed, however, is that if you decrypt the file, then re-encrypt without modding, the contents of the file will have changed. I would assume that the contents should be the same if the same encryption keys were used.

    1. Yeah me too Steffen, If the bruteforce tool can decrypt/encrypt files then we should be able to get it to work. I mean there must be a way, something we may have not tried yet. I didn't quite understand what you meant by what you wrote. So are you saying that if we decrypt the files and then encrypt them without modding those files the data changes and if you decrypt then mod and encrypt the data stay's the same?

    2. That's what I'm thinking as well. If you make note of the contents of the file COJ2-DSC, then simply de/re-encrypt, I would have thought that the contents after re-encryption would have been the same as before touching the file. This is not the case. I wonder if that has something to do with it.

    3. You could be on to something here Steffen, I'll give it a try now and post my results both ways. I'm going to post the results of how the files were when I decrypted/encrypted without modding and how they were when I decrypted/encrypted with modding. We may be able to come to a solution hopefully.

      Thanks Steffen you've given me something to go on : )

    4. No problem Steffen : ), I did some tests and I have some results that may open a few doors. It seems that you were right and this could be the problem and answer to why our saves are not being updated. Here are my test results...

      COJ2-DSC data before decryption W/O modding

      21 11 E7 76 2B 7B 79 4D BE A5 70 C0 D2 75 80

      COJ2-DSC data after decryption W/O modding

      00 00 13 9E

      COJ2-DSC data after encryption W/O modding

      5B 19 F4 4F 96 4D 9E BA 7F 92 D3 6B 59 FB 33

      COJ2-DSC data before decryption W/ modding

      5B 19 F4 4F 96 4D 9E BA 7F 92 D3 6B 59 FB 33

      COJ2-DSC data after decryption W/ modding

      00 00 13 9E

      COJ2-DSC data after encryption W/ modding

      5B 19 F4 4F 96 4D 9E BA 7F 92 D3 6B 59 FB 33

      COJ2-DSC data after encryption W/ modding and re-adding hex bytes in COJ2-DAT

      5B 19 F4 4F 96 4D 9E BA 7F 92 D3 6B 59 FB 33

  35. we should ask Aldo for help

    1. I wonder if he would be able to help, but it would be great if he or anyone else who knows their stuff, could. :)

  36. A small "update":
    After de/re-encrypting non-modded files, it seems like only the contents of the DAT file is the same before and after re-encryption. The contents of the DSC is different before and after re-encryption.

    1. And the contents of the DSC file after decryption is the same. Only different after re-encryption. Hmm.

  37. Hey Steffen how about if we add the new offset in our modded COJ2-DAT file to the COJ2-DSC file and then encrypt, have you tried this and do you think it could work?

    1. I've done this, but it does unfortunately not solve the problem. :( Thank you!

    2. Ah ok can you tell me anything else I could test? because I've kinda run out of ideas. I've also pretty much tried everything I could think of. BTW did this work for the 1st Dead Island for PS3? I was just curious.

  38. hey im new to this modding thing (im on a PS3) i have all the progams needed but im not sure what file needs to be opened with DISE in order to edit, is it one of the files u get when u copy it from your PS3 or do u have to do something first, i keep getting the message: "unsupported file" any help/suggestions?

    1. Hey I can help you up to the part where you can mod your save and encrypt the files but after that we're stuck ourselves and we're trying to get it to work. Here's what to do to get your save to open in DISE in steps...

      Step 1: Copy your Dead Island Riptide save file from your PS3 and put it on a USB or portable HD

      Step 2: From your USB or portable HD copy the save into a folder on your PC

      Step 3: Launch PS3 Bruteforce, find the save and decrypt COJ2-DSC and COJ2-DAT

      Step 4: Open up COJ2-DSC in hex editor and take note of the 32 bit number looks like this
      00 00 13 9E

      Step 5: Open up COJ2-DAT in hex editor and find the 32 bit number and then select everything from then onwards and delete, then save the COJ2-DAT file which should needs to be 5 KB to open in DISE

      Step 6: Launch DISE and open your COJ2-DAT file and mod it

      Step 7: Once modded, save the file and launch PS3 Bruteforce again and encrypt the COJ2-DSC and COJ2-DAT files

      Step 8: Copy the save on a USB or portable HD and transfer it to your PS3 and see it if worked

      Hope this helps

    2. Thanks for helping! We should probably also add the zeros back to make the DAT file 8 KB again, after modding, and also update the number in the DSC file. :)

    3. Oh yes damn I forgot :D, thx for reminding me Steffen. I'm still trying to get my modded save to load on the PS3 but so far no success. How about you Steffen have you tried anything new? and could you recommend something for me?

      Thank you

    4. thats awesome! thank you so much for that step by step explanation! I'll try it now and see, oh and what do u mean by we are stuck on this our selves, like after that step whats the problem?

    5. i tried doing what u said and im getting a message like something has to be done to it in order for it to work, or its too corrupted so i guess i did something wrong with the coding but i did everything u said, think u might know what i did wrong?

    6. Hey do you mean you can't open your save in DISE because it comes up with unsupported file? If this is the case you have to truncate (cut/delete) a few zeros in the COJ2-DAT file from the 32 bit endian number shown in the COJ2-DSC file and then save the COJ2-DAT in hex editor. Then try opening your COJ2-DAT file in DISE. To make it easier I'll put it in steps for you again...

      Step 1: Open up COJ2-DSC in hex editor after you decrypted the files in PS3 Bruteforce

      Step 2: Take note of the 32 bit endian number which looks something like this 00 00 13 9E

      Step 3: Open up COJ2-DAT in hex editor and press Ctrl + G together and paste the 32 bit endian number you noted inside where it says offset, choose hex and in the option "From Where" select "from the beginning" and then "Go"

      Step 4: Once the hex editor takes you to the offset press Ctrl + Shift + End together this will select everything onwards from the offset and then simply delete the extra data (the 0's)

      Step 5: Save the COJ2-DAT file in hex editor and select yes when it tells you if you wan to make a backup of the file

      Step 6: Now if you did everything properly above you can open your COJ2-DAT file in DISE and mod it

      Step 7: After modding your COJ2-DAT file, save your changes in DISE

      Step 8: Open up your COJ2-DAT file in hex editor again and go to the new offset and make a note of this offset, keep this file opened

      Step 9: Open up COJ2-DSC in hex editor and paste this offset over the old one and save the COJ2-DSC file in hex editor

      Step 10: Open up your backup copy of COJ2-DAT in hex editor and then got to the old offset and press Ctrl + Shift + End and copy all the 0's from that file, keep file opened

      Step 11: Switch to your original COJ2-DAT file and be careful what you do here as it could mess up everything you did. What you need to do is paste the copied 0's in the empty slot next to your data, eg 53 94 * paste the 0's from that empty slot

      Step 12: Once you added the 0's save you COJ2-DAT file in hex editor

      Step 13: Go to your save folder (where your save is on your computer) highlight your COJ2-DAT file and see if the file size is 8.00 KB if it's too much you will have to delete some 0's from the bottom of the COJ2-DAT in hex editor and if it's too less you will have to add more 0's to it

      Step 14: Once you get your COJ2-DAT file size to 8.00 KB launch PS3 Bruteforce and encrypt your COJ2-DSC and COJ2-DAT

      Step 15: Copy the save onto your USB or portable HD and transfer it onto your PS3 and see if it loads

      I hope the above helped, if you need any more help just ask Steffen or if he's not available, send me an email to and I will get back to you. Before when I said "we are stuck ourselves" I meant we've been able to open up our PS3 saves in DISE and mod them too but we haven't been able to get them to load on the PS3. Good luck



    7. For various reasons, I've decided to write a more complete "helper" tool for PS3. I'll post it with a picture guide shortly. :)

    8. Also, thank you for helping! :)

    9. No problem Steffen and thank you for making the new helper tool and with it a tutorial explaining how to do everything ; ) it makes thing a lot easier and it saves us time. Great work Steffen!


  39. I've written/uploaded a simple tool and short guide that aims to make it really easy for people to mod DI saves. Please note that it doesn't magically fix the issues we're having.

    1. Hey Steffen maybe with a few more tests and help from your new tool, we will eventually be able to make our modded saves work?. I'm still trying to get it to work and I'm sure you are too. As long as we don't give up we can make it happen and you've got my full support and backing with this Steffen. I'll try and help you as much as I can ok.


    2. Thank you very much! I hope so! :D

      I got a mail earlier saying that someone got it working using the instructions found here, just like that. Nothing special done, apparently. :o

      It was mentioned that the PS3 account was linked with PSN as well.

    3. Awesome hey I'm running Windows Xp and I can't seem to get your new tool to open, any ideas? because I can't open up the cmd.exe on that folder. Did that someone who got it done, go through the hex and PS3 Bruteforce route or did he do it by using your new tool? and did he explain how he got it to work?



    4. I've tested in on XP, and I had to install both VC++ 2008/10 redist packages.

      It sounds like that's not the problem in your case, though?

      S/He used the hex editor and Bruteforce tool, but didn't explain the details, only that the instructions here did the trick.

    5. Hey Steffen I have both VC++ 2008/2010 packages already installed but I don't know how to get my folder to open up in cmd.exe. Another thing can you ask the someone who said he got it working how he did it? like send him an email or something because it could help others out and ourselves a lot and save us time.



    6. The thing that really bothers me at this time is that the re-encrypted contents of COJ2-DSC differs from what it was, while the contents of COJ2-DAT is still the same. Maybe it's normal, I won't just assume that it is.

    7. Yeah, I'll do that. :)

      To open cmd, how about pressing Win+R, then typing it on?

    8. Great thanks and now what do I do? : D I haven't used command prompt in ages so I'm a bit rusty lol. I found out another thing when you decrypt re-encrypt the files with or without modding the 1st time the contents of the COJ2-DSC changes and after that it stays the same. That's waht I noticed and anyway's I hope that someone explains how he did it :D



    9. Yeah, that part puzzles (bugs) me because I don't really know if that's okay or not. :o

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. Deleted your post because of the e-mail address. :)

    12. I don't mind : )


  40. The game doesn´t load file anymore after editing with the Editor.

    I use PS3 and your Ps3 Helper....

    1. Yeah that's the problem me and Steffen are having too, we can get our save to open in DISE and mod it too but after re-adding the truncated data back to the COJ2-DAT and re-encrypting the COJ2-DAT and COJ2-DSC and then transferring it back on to the PS3. But after that when we start Dead Island Riptide it never loads the save. We're still working on this as we speak.


  41. Created a new blog profile just so it looks better when I post on here and I don't have to write my name on the end of each post :D

  42. Hey I followed EVERY step you said and my save got corrupted, it doesn't even show in the Play menu.

    Thank god I made a backup

    1. I would consider having backups to be mandatory. :)

  43. Great program though, planning to donate $3-$5 soon! :)

    1. I appreciate the consideration! Thank you! :)

  44. I'm sorry if I ask stupid now, but
    its not working. have done all things but its not working.

    1. have decrypted the files with helper.
    2. modified the "COJ2-DAT" file with DISE.
    3. re-encrypted the files with helper.
    4. copied the modified save file to my ps3
    5. but when i start riptide, it loads my old save where i was befor and not my modified save.
    why is this happening? am I doing something wrong?

    thx in advance and sorry for my bad english, im german xD .....

    1. We're all stuck on that last step (making the modded save work on the PS3). :)

    2. thanks for the quick response. well i see, we can only wait now :/
      but i have one more question, today, i played riptide and someone joined my lobby, and he had everything impossible things like inf healt/god mod, inf ammo, moon jump, he also gave me a weapon with 99999999 ammo, it is very funny ^^
      how did he do that?

    3. Most likely he has a jailbroken PS3 and modded his save on that and transferred it onto his normal PS3. Because so far no one has been able to mod their Dead Island Riptide PS3 saved game with DISE without having a jailbroken PS3.

    4. On a PS3 using CFW, you can mod the game itself rather than the save. There are some debug stuff for the game that can be used.

  45. Just a small note. I've found out that the Dead Island Riptide Xbox 360 save file is smaller than the PS3 one. For instance the save_0 is around 64 KB and the total size of the save folder is around 123 KB on the PS3. I have a gut feeling that we need to mod the save files in the save game index. Giving that a go now.

    1. Hmmm interesting, it seems that we can't open the COJ2-DAT file located inside the save game index folder to mod in DISE. Even though the extra data has been truncated. Any ideas on this 1 Steffen? ; )

  46. I'm Sorry if this is a stupid question but Steffen I was wondering what would happen if you try to make the save back to how it was before you made it able to work in DISE could that maybe fix the problem with the last step?

    1. I don't know about Steffen but I've already tried this step and it didn't work. Thanks anyway ; )

    2. Allright thanks for the Response :)

    3. Your welcome, please do let us know if something works for you and also if you're stuck with something, we're always here to help you.

    4. Alright Thanks John :)

    5. so john how did that idea you tryed work out the one without modding it ??

    6. The game read the save and it was working, obviously it didn't have any modded guns, items etc but it kinda points the finger that DISE modding could maybe be corrupting the save in someway. Now I'm trying another test I'm going to decrypt both the save file contents and the contents in the save game index and then overwrite the data in the COJ2-DAT file inside the save game index with the COJ2-DAT file inside the actual save and then re-encrypt and see if it worked.

    7. alright keep me posted

    8. Hey john could you plz add me on psn My id=Legendaryoconnor im getting off my computer so if you could add me it would be great

    9. Hey I'm sorry but I'm testing different methods to get this to work so I'm not going to be online. I'll add you when I'm free ok?

    10. Ok thank you john :)

    11. Ok thank you john :)

    12. Sorry for posteing that twice xD doing this from my phone

    13. No problem it happens to me a lot when I post comments from my smartphone ; )

  47. I'm going to try this and see if it works...

    Decrypt both COJ2-DAT and COJ2-DSC with save helper

    Open up COJ2-DAT in DISE and save without modding

    Re-encrypt both COJ2-DSC and COJ2-DAT with save helper

    Transfer the save on PS3 and see it it loads properly and the game finds it

    If this works then there is obviously a problem with DISE modding the save and if it doesn't work we've got a bigger problem to solve.

  48. Ok I've tried almost everything I could think of and haven't got it to work unfortunately. However I will keep on trying and Steffen will too to get it working, we're not giving up on this and eventually we will make it work. I'll be carrying out more tests tomorrow when I come back from work. But for now I think I'm giving it a rest my brain hurts and I can't think straight, I'm going to sleep. Bye everyone ; )

  49. Just putting down a note before I go to sleep. I've noticed if I decrypt the COJ2-DAT and COJ2-DSC with the new tool and then open up COJ2-DAT inside DISE and without modding it, just make a simple save. Then re-encrypt both files with your tool and transfer them onto the PS3. The game will not be able to find the save and it won't load it, this needs further looking into. BTW I've already sent you an email Steffen regarding this test in full.

  50. My buddy pointed me to this site today. He told me that he used this to make the modded weapons he shared with me.

    I am a bit stuck. Let me talk you threw what I done and please tell me if I am on the right track.

    I copied the save file from my saved data utility folder onto my usb

    I copied that onto my computer

    I ran his helper tool and done it exactly like his photo guide showed to do. I ran it with the p command

    I edited the coj2 dat file with dise

    I ran the helper again with the f command

    I copied the save folder back to my usb and moved it back to my ps3

    Did I do this right. I am also having the trouble that you all are posting about about not getting the ps3 to read the weapons on my save.

    1. Yes you did this right and are now standing on the same step as we are. We still don't believe anyone who say's they've got it working unless they provide us with a detailed explanation how they got it working. As for your friend having hacked weapons, don't you think he could have downloaded somebody else's save with the hacked weapons already on there or he got the hacked weapons from someone else online?

    2. Well, he gave me 3 more today. He still says he used dise.

      Today he said, that he had the trouble but he went to a website and said there was a guide. He said he was having the game trouble with this but the guide on the website showed him that there was some settings in dise that he needed to change. Once he changed his dise settings then it starting workin fine. He didnt give me the guide just the website and he told me to read over the websites forums until I found it.

      HE said he didn't have to use any other program then dise to make those and that it didn't have anything to do with the encryption. I do have a nice zeds demise right now.

      HAve you tried taking a weapon from someone elses save and then placeing it into yours and then reloading yours to see if it took?

    3. I really believe what you're saying, but what your friend has told you sounds too good/easy to be believable.

      I really hope that we can know more about this so that we don't go around in circles and stray even more because we read that something from somewhere somehow solved everything, if you know what I mean. :)

      Is there any chance maybe your friend could please spend a little more effort so that he can tell us exactly where we can find the same info? :)

      Could you also be kind and tell us the link to the site(s) where this guide and any related info are supposed to be located at? :)

      I know there's a way to mod the game itself; are you sure he didn't mean that? That doesn't require any de/encryption since you are not working with your saves at all.

      Thank you! \(゜▽゜)/

    4. Well to be honest with you Steffen I still think that Steven's friend is using a modded save or either he is getting those hacked weapons from others online. The reason for me believing this is it sounds way too easy as his friend puts it, how he used this program and made them without de/encryption or any other program. It's clearly not possible, well maybe on a jailbroken but surely not on a normal PS3 and that's a fact. Even you know this Steffen ; )

    5. I have asked him for the actual link but he said that it comes from a site called

      I have looked over it for a bit but don't see anything useful. I even wrote a post on there myself asking about editing with dise but no answers.

      I have asked him to look for his guide for me but he keeps saying that his TV is also his computer monitor and cant do it while playing PS3.

      He also says that him being British might have something to do with the type of save format that his ps3 has. He also claims that he don't know anything about jail broke and custom firmware.

      I will keep after him until he gives me the link cause I really want a mindblowing zeds demise.

    6. Ok Steven thank you, I have checked all the threads and posts regarding Dead Island Riptide PS3 modding and so far I've come across no guide or tutorial or anyone's post mentioning they managed to mod their PS3 save with DISE. As me and Steffen have already strayed from the patch once with someone claiming they got it working before and we would not like to waste any more time or run into a wild goose chase. We need to focus on getting this to work and we need direct answers and explanations if someone did get it to work by the info and programs here or somewhere else, otherwise we cannot just assume that someone has got it working catch my drift?

    7. Yes I do. I have asked the guy 5 times so far for his guide. I keep getting wild answers. I guess he probably is full of it. If he gets back to me then I will let you guys know. I look forward to see your alls new work.

    8. Wanted to let you all know that someone posted to me about getting a guide for editing with DISE. Not what I was hoping for but it did explain something to me that I had been wondering about.

  51. I think I have solid explanation to why our game cannot read/load our modded saves. I've done a lot of tests recently and came across something interesting and worth investigating. When we decrypt our COJ2-DSC and COJ2-DAT (remove extra data) with the Save Helper tool or PS3 Bruteforce. Take note of the sets of data at the bottom of the COJ2-DAT file in hex workshop then open the COJ2-DAT inside DISE and simply make a save without any modding whatsoever (just save as soon as you open it in DISE) then open up the saved COJ2-DAT file in hex workshop and scroll down to the bottom and you'll find that the data has been deleted or it has changed all together and will now look completely different to the COJ2-DAT you had before you made the save. I believe DISE is either corrupting our save or either it is deleting/changing sets of data in COJ2-DAT which then cannot be read by our game and therefore can't be loaded. DISE will need further investigating for this matter because the problem is clearly DISE modding the save. I tried out a test just now like this and the game couldn't find/load up the save whatsoever and all I did was make a simple save in DISE without modding.

    1. How long it will take to fix?

      I really believe in your work!

      Thank you for doing this!

    2. Well I'm not sure but it will definitely have to be looked into. It could take a few days to go through the code and fix it.

      Thanks but all the work is really Steffen's, as it is his program and his research.

      Once again thank Steffen, I'm just backing him up and helping him get this to work.

  52. Link to a helpful add-on to assist Windows XP users in opening the command prompt on the DI Save Helper tool folder. So that they can easily execute helper.exe in command prompt ; )

    1. No problem Steffen. glad to help ; )

    2. Anon: Thank you for trying to help, but please try to refrain from using such language here. There's really no need to say that. :)

      Not even one person here is an idiot (including you, Anon). :)

      For your information, I actually added it up there by request of John, but used a different link (direct link on Microsoft's site). :)

    3. Thank you Steffen ; ) and there was really no need for that Anon, I put the link up to help people that's all and just thought you would appreciate that. BTW I'm back from work, I'm having a bit of rest and then I'll continue testing to get this working ; )

  53. hey guys, ive been trying this out also using brute force and cannot get it operating either, as to steven's post ive been modding my saves and weapons through game genie and its advanced mode but its editor is extremely limited to what it can do, I can change mods but can not add them to weapons ect. where Steffen's program here can do everything and I've also tried multiple thing to try and get it to work like john and have also failed miserably but, am also still working on it too, im also a member on nextgen so i'll check there also and may even ask around other sites too well good luck to all who are still trying to get this working.


    1. Thank you for doing that, Shawn! :D

    2. Thanks Shawn for also helping us out with this, it's good to know that someone else besides me and Steffen are also putting in their effort to make this work. We greatly appreciate it ; )

  54. I'm completely out of ideas, I believe I have tried everything to make it work but it looks like it's just not happening. I'm having a real hard time at the moment understanding how to pack/unpack the save file and it's all turning out to be confusing for me. The COJ2-DAT completely changes to how it was after I make a simple save in DISE without even modding anything! this is becoming so damn annoying because the game cannot find the save and therefore refuses to load it. I'll keep on trying but at this rate it doesn't look like this problem will be figured out soon. It will take time and further researching to get it to work properly unless someone comes out with a miracle and has it working sooner.

  55. Give up with Bruteforce unless you have a console on cfw. Bruteforce requires your console id so once you have made changes in the hex editor and re-encrypted it your ps3 can load the file, it will not load unless you enter your console id in Bruteforce. (Don't believe me? open a gamesave in bruteforce, decrypt it and re-encrypt it without entering your console id and try and load the save in your ps3) Also Sony patched the only method of obtaining your console id on ofw. All the modded weapons being swapped around are definitely originating from people with consoles on cfw. There are multiple mods for riptide such as the shop mod that forces the shops to sell only legendary and yellow weapons.

    1. Dear sir/madam to get your console ID with PS3 Bruteforce you have to copy a save file from your own PS3 and then in steps...

      1. Open your save in PS3 Bruteforce and highlight your save, then press Ctrl + T

      2. A window will appear with the following message "Do you want to use the current PARAM.SFO as template.sfo? It will be used to copy the account_id to the other SFO files" select yes

      3. Now you have a template.sfo you can easily identify your account_id and console_id

      4. Now you can also resign other user's saves to your own by selecting "Update Account ID" and copying your account details and PARAM.SFO to other save, which will then make the save your's ; )

      Hope this helps and we're working on making DISE work for PS3 as we speak, you just need to wait a little longer that's all ; )

  56. Wow 0_0 apparently cracking a safe is easier to accomplish than getting this problem fixed. I'm completely clueless about how we're meant to get our modded saves to work. I spent the whole week trying to come up with at least a solution to this problem and I have to say I failed badly : ( although I found some useful information but nonetheless it didn't matter as that information was no solution/fix to the problem.

    What I've found out...

    Dead Island Riptide Save Game Index file contains a copy of our saves

    Dead Island Riptide Profile Settings also contains a copy of our saves

    I believe our actual save (the one the game reads and loads) is stored on the Save Game Index file. When you start Dead Island Riptide take note of the words "Processing Saved Games" before it takes you to the menu. What this is actually doing is storing your save file in the Save Game Index and reading from it!, it's not reading from the save itself. That's why we can never get our modded saves to load or be found by the game because the save does not be processed in the Save Game Index for some reason. I'm afraid we'll have to investigate every single file, if we're to come up with a proper fix to this problem.

    1. Correction in my last post...

      Only Dead Island Riptide Save Game Index file contains a copy of the original save

      So any investigation will be done on the Save Game Index file because that's the one that's linked with the original save.

  57. I dont know how this works so I am going to put it out there. What about deleting the save game file index and just making a new one using the edited save instead of using the one made with the original save.

    1. Thanks Steven for giving the idea, but unfortunately I've already tried doing this today and it didn't make any difference as the game still couldn't process the save. I did some further research into Save Game Index and I believe I understand it now and what it is. The Save Game Index file is created once the game processes the original save file properly. Then the game stores our saves on the Save Game Index so that it takes us less time to get to the menu and begin our game, it kinda speeds up the reading process. The Save Game Index file is not important and it is not linked to the problem we're having right now. The only file that we need to work on is the original save file, if we can get that modded in DISE and have it transferred over to the PS3 properly without having it's important data changed/removed, it will definitely work and we'll be able to play with it. Now because I'm busy all next week, I wont be able to carry on testing so someone else like Steffen or anyone who wants to try get this working will have to do it for next week and then I'll be free the week after so I'll continue with the testing then. Remember guys we only need to work with the original save file that's it, just try and play around with it and try and make sure the data in the COJ2-DAT doesn't change too much or be deleted ; )

  58. Gentlemen,
    I'm not sure how relevant this is but I had some results. Earlier this week I edited my game save. In creating and editing weapons I also, against recommendations, I changed the map location, chapter and spawn point. When I loaded this profile back on my PS3 it didn't of course take the weapons but it did take the chapter and spawn change. With that being said it also wiped out all completed quests and acted like I had to do them over. So, some of the information did make it to the game but not all. I did nothing special just followed the instructions above using the helper. Hope this helps some.

    1. Hey thanks for posting that Anon ; ) hmm... I haven't really gave this a try yet, so far I've tested with adding weapons/removing weapons/changing mods on weapons. I'll definitely give this a try tomorrow with the changing chapter and spawn point. For now I'm getting some rest because I have to wake up early for work tomorrow however I'll carry on testing when I get back. Goodnight everyone ; )

  59. Well I think it's time for me to give up. I'm starting to lose hope that DISE will ever work for the PS3. PS3 is a complicated system and a kinda r******d system when it comes to modding. I've tried everything, everything that could make it work and nothing worked!. So for that reason I've lost hope and I think it's time for me to give up for the time being. I may come back to it around Christmas time. But I hope someone has it working by then. It was really nice meeting you all and getting to know some of you. Bye : (

    1. Hey John (sorry for not getting back to you sooner). It's alright, don't feel bad about it. I'll send you an e-mail soon.

  60. Ok I have found a problem with your photo guide for brute force. I tried using it to see if that was work. The hex numbers were completely different. I dont know if it was just my save or what. I had to go online and find a hex hex calculator and use it. My number was not 472 it was 5104. Your guide works perfectly it was just not the right numbers on my save.

    1. That's okay. It's the real size of the *DAT file, and will almost certainly be different. :)

    2. Hey Steffen,
      I tried using the newest version BruteForce Save Data tool and decrypted the files COJ2-DSC and COJ2-DAT. It was funny that the COJ2-DSC file decrypted perfectly, but the COJ2-DAT was decrypted as a Read-Only file. The read-only file opens flawlessly in DISE Riptide once extracted from the BruteForce Program, but there is no way to re-encode the Read-Only decrypted COJ2-DAT file with the PS3 file system. I don't know if anyone had posted this, but I wanted to give you some ideas. I am a 360 gamer myself, but I like to help out the PS3 brothers out there. If you have problems understanding what I am saying, I will be happy to send you my decrypted COJ2-DAT.


    3. So, to summarize what I just said. When you decrypt the COJ2-DAT in bruteforce save data tool, it will only give you a extracted decrypted file. The original COJ2-DAT in the file system will stay encrypted, but it will give you an option to extract the decrypted COJ2-DAT to your PC. Wierd huh?

    4. Hello, SLEAZY808!

      Interesting thought about the "read-only" file. I'll look more into that! :)

      Thank you!

    5. Hello guys I'm back!. Sorry about my recent post Steffen. I thought I was going to be really busy with a long tiring business project up til December. But it turns out that has been moved on for next year ; ). Anyway's I wanted to let you know that I'm back working on getting this fixed and helping you and others out.

      Remember what I said to you Steffen? "Not giving up til we get this working and we will get it working" ; )

    6. It's great to have you helping us SLEAZY808! thanks a lot we greatly appreciate it. In recent tests with this, I have found out something interesting. Our new modded save file once transferred onto our PS3's is processed by the game but doesn't show up right?. Well if you quit the game and then copy your newly made Save Game Index File onto your USB or portable HD and then transfer it onto your PC. You will find that after you decrypt it and open up the COJ2-DAT in hex editor that there is completely no data inside the file!. It will all look like this below...


      This is definitely the problem! now if someone could somehow figure out the code the original save file uses in order to properly make it's Save Game Index. We can definitely get our modded saves to work.

    7. SLEAZY808:
      Sorry, I kept missing your chat messages on the Chatango chat box.

      I'm actually not quite sure if I understood you properly. I tried to look for this "read-only" text somewhere (in the Bruteforce tool), and could not find it. Is there a file on the PS3's filesystem that has a read-only attribute, or a different file we should look into?

      At the moment, I'm only familiar with the files inside the /dev_hdd0/home//savedata/* directories for this game. The "SG" and "IDX" folders for the game contain files that have mostly the same contents, but "IDX" seems mostly useless since the game doesn't seem to care if you delete it.

      Thank you! :)

    8. Hey Steffen! I believe the Save Game Index File is important and not useless at all. You see if the Save Game Index file isn't made properly, the modded save you are trying to play with will not work either. It works like this, for each original save file there is a code inside, a code which makes the Save Game Index file properly. Now what I believe is happening is this, when we mod our saves in DISE or re-compress them, that important code is being overwritten or deleted. That's the reason the game cannot find the save, because the Save Game Index file being made from the processing of that modded save will have no data inside it. The data will not be written inside the Save Game Index File and therefore the modded save will not be found!. I hope you're understanding what I'm saying, so if you can monitor what code is being used to make the Save Game Index File through debugging or something like that. Then I believe you have solved this problem Steffen ; )

    9. Hey, John! :)

      I really want to debug the game (something I would do for the PC game). If only I had a debug PS3 or some way to debug the game using a retail PS3.

      Have you tried to delete the IDX folder, then continue playing?

      In my case, the IDX folder does not seem to re-appear, and the game and non-modded save works without further issues.

    10. Yeah it would have been a lot easier if you could have debugged the game. I'm not really sure that you can debug on a retail PS3.

      Yes I've tried deleting the Save Game Index File but after I try and play with a normal or modded save. The Save Game Index File is re-created again, when you see the words "Processing Saved Games" appear just before you get to the menu at the very beginning, what this means is the game is creating a Save Game Index File from your original save. It's odd if it doesn't show up for you again because it's suppose to re-create. Have you tried copying a working save and then try loading the game? because if the save is working, the game should make a Save Game Index File.

    11. I see. I've tried to play the non-modded save, then progress until reaching a checkpoint (so was saved). I've also restarted the game and reloaded this save, and the IDX folder was still *not* re-created. Hmm.

    12. Hmmm... That's very strange indeed. What retail version are you playing with? because I read somewhere that the game differs with different regions.

      Are you playing with US or EU version of the game?

    13. Hmm. EU version (game title BLES01739).

    14. Well that's the same version I'm using. EU retail BLES01739. Shall I send you a copy of my save? then you can see if it re-creates the Save Game Index File? you'll have to resign my save to your profile 1st obviously ; )

    15. I see. Sorry, I'll think I need my console ID (which I lost) in order to resign the file. :/

    16. Yeah I had a feeling that wouldn't work ; ), no problem, have you tried deleting the Profile Settings and then trying the save?

    17. Or hang on, how about if you send me a copy of your save, and I'll resign it with my profile and try and see what it does about the Save Game Index File. I'll delete my current Save Game Index File along with my save and try and recreate a Save Game Index File with your save.

  61. Sorry Steffen, I got a little drunk last night and fell asleep haha. I actually meant that the BruteForce Saved Data Tool does not alter the COJ2-DAT when decrypted. It only gives you a decrypted file to extract from the program. I will send you and john one of my decrypted files.

    1. Are you sure something's not wrong on your end? The current version of that tool is 3.8.13. I had the problem you describe with v3.8.10 (I think). I can decrypt my *DAT file.

    2. I sent you a copy of my file. Take a look at it if you want.

    3. Open it up in the Hex editor and take a look at the values.

    4. Hey Steffen, I sent you another e-mail containing a decrypted and encrypted COJ2-DAT files using a BLES01739 saved game.

    5. Hey Sean, thanks for the files. I compared them with mine and found difference in your encrypted COJ2-DAT. Also I wanted to know what program you used to de-compress your COJ2-DAT? because the file size on your de-compressed COJ2-DAT was around 9.00 KB and when we de-compress our COJ2-DAT the file size goes to around 16-19 KB. Once again thanks for helping us and sorry for the late reply, I was having a conversation with Steffen.

    6. Hey John,
      Try uninstalling the Bruteforce Saved Data and reinstall using the latest version at After, open your Riptide saved data into the program and decrypt the files. Once decrypted, double-click the COJ2-DAT and COJ2-DSC on the bottom-left window of the Bruteforcer program. The COJ2-DSC should open in HxD or Hex Workshop while COJ2-DAT will give the option to extract to whatever filepath (Desktop, Documents, etc.).

      Note: Before I updated the Bruteforcer Saved Data program, my COJ2-DAT was different from the updated version after decryption.

      I'm sorry, it's pretty tough to explain these kind of things through words lol. I will be back later, I have a busy schedule today.

    7. Hey Sean, I uninstalled the old version and installed the new version from the link you gave earlier.

      It's interesting because it looks like Aldo has updated his program to have a built in de-compresser. That's why it doesn't let you open COJ2-DAT in hex editor 1st, you can open the de-compressed (extracted) COJ2-DAT~ in hex editor and in DISE to mod. After you have finished modding your de-compressed COJ2-DAT~, you have to open up the original COJ2-DAT (compressed) in an archive and drag the de-compressed COJ2-DAT~ inside it.

      Now that you've done that you will notice you can open the original COJ2-DAT in DISE and all the changes you made will be there. All you have to do now update the offset in the COJ2-DSC to the new one in the modded COJ2-DAT and re-encrypt the files.

      Hope this is clear enough to understand ; )

  62. Maybe this is common knowledge here, but there are modded saves for DI Riptide that will work on any PS3. So, obviously someone has figured this problem out already. Perhaps they used a different save editor or decryption/encryption program, no clue there.
    Don't want to post a direct link here, so search youtube for "Dead Island Riptide PS3 Save Game Mods (HD) Mediafire Link! US & UK!"
    I just tried this one on my completely stock (no jailbreak/mods) PS3 and it loaded up no problems. I'm no programmer, but maybe you guys could compare that save to one modded by DISE and see if you can't find some differences.
    Good luck guys! Really appreciate all the hard work going on here! :)

  63. At this point I'm fairly certain the problem is with the re-compression. Using aldo's bruteforce save data program, you can decrypt and, without any modification, re-encrypt the save and load it on ps3 no problems. However, if you decompress the file (which bruteforce can no do automatically) and, without any modification (DISE), re-compress it, the save will not show up in-game.
    I've done a lot (read LOT) of searching across many mod sites. The concensus seems to be that one should use 7zip to extract and gzip to compress. Not sure why, seems like if 7zip can extract the COJ2-DAT~ without issue it should be able to compress it just the same. Anyhow, neither technique works, gzip, 7zip nor anything else that handles the gzip format.
    Anyway, thought I'd share my experience on the subject. I believe it's a problem in the compression. Only after extracting and compressing do the saves fail to load. I just don't know where to go from here lol

  64. Also, there is one difference I can find between the original COJ2-DAT and the one I create after compressing COJ2-DAT~. If you open your decrypted COJ2-DAT in 7zip and look under the 'Host OS' column, you'll see that it says 'UNIX'. After you compress the COJ2-DAT~ yourself, using gzip, it will say 'FAT'. Well, mine says FAT because I'm on windows of course. I know there are character formatting differences between FAT and UNIX file systems. For example, end-of-line terminators or new-lines. Not sure how this helps, but it's the only difference I can find between the original compressed COJ2-DAT and my re-compressed COJ2-DAT.

  65. Hi Steffen... just finished donating. Now if I can only get the DISE Riptide working with my PS3 that would be SUPER :)

  66. Hi Steffen, I think we don't only have to mod the save, because I found out that the Dead Island Riptide Save Game Index file contains a copy of the save! Maybe the game will check if both are the same or maybe load the Dead Island Riptide Save Game Index file.
    So I hope this will help you, I really want to use DISE for ps3!

  67. Maybe it works if you click make it work with any ps3 by bruteforce.....

    I have a modded save that works.

    Download it in this video:

    1. It's not modded with DISE, it is only a guy who collected modded weapon by CFW users. I'm still trying to get something but every time the freeze on loading menu.

    2. IF you want modded weapons, they have to be dropped on the ground or the trade will freeze your ps3

  68. i think you'll need a rooted PS3..
    it's working for me with rooted PS3.

  69. I'm sorry , what do you mean by rooted ps3? CFW? thank you

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Convert PS3 DIRP from big endian to little endian byte order edit with DISE and convert back to big endian. Impossible, maybe not. This site may help

  72. dosent wor for ps3 srry to said but everytime i doit it dosent cheange the stuuf it keep the same amount
