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Friday, April 26, 2013

List of Riptide inventory items

Some people requested a list of items, so here you go. You can add the items using "Add custom item".

There is also a separate list of collectibles.


  1. Just got Riptide, collected a few items, Gunna test out Riptide Editor so far. PS: I Imported my character I modded on DI. Its amazing! :3 Thank you for everything youve done! :D

    1. how can i import my dead island riptide weapons and inventory over to dead island using same character? do you have a manual are step by step to use steffens dise please if any one can help me i would appreciate it very much thanx

    2. Brenda, please see my reply to your other message on this page. :)

  2. Steffen how long until this script makes it in the editor for riptide? A day or two?

    1. It is finished, just hooking things up now. :)

  3. is there any possible way to transfer all my weapons and all inventory from dead island riptide to dead island? i beat riptide and just started playing dead island as on riptide we get a sniper riffle but not on dead island can you help me out steffen r a manual r plz a step by step to use your program editor i would appreciate so much thank you!

    1. Hello Brenda,

      Thank you for your message!

      One way could be to open both saves (one DISE window for each), then select all of your items from the DI: Riptide-save by pressing Ctrl+A on your keyboard, then drag them over to the other save using the mouse.

      This may work because a lot of the weapons in DI are available in Riptide; however, not all of the Riptide-items are available in DI, and those items cannot be used in DI.

      You can do the same by exporting your inventory from the DI: Riptide-save to a file (main menu > File > Export > Inventory), then importing it into your DI-save (main menu > File > Import > Inventory).

      Please let me know if I can be of further assistance! :)

  4. i have alot of inventory does it go with the dise how do i use usb to go from laptop 2 ps3 n vica versa
    im so confusedhowim suppose2save2my ps3 to keepall mymodded weapons and also i have a orange heavy duty riffle some 1gave me but has 33 bullets how do i put unlimited ammo bk on it plz n thank you 4 being here 2 help me it means alot ty
