
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Preview: Riptide skill trees (John)

Oh, and brand new skill icons! :)


Might as well show you the hero image for John.:)


  1. Nice going Steffen :D

    Will it (and the others) be released soon?

    1. Thank you! That's my plan, at least. :)

  2. I'm guessing you're close to being done with the skill trees?

    1. Yes, finally! There are a few UI glitches when inputting points (the input field may almost disappear). :)

    2. Could we possibly see the update today?

    3. Chances are pretty good. :)

    4. This should correct the issues with players not being able to use guns right?

    5. I think it will help since you have more control over distributed skill points. If you mean spinning around and such, it's related to skill points. :)

    6. So if we reset then go back using the tweaks it could resolve the situation?

    7. Sorry, I was not able to release yesterday as I thought since something came up. I've however sorted it out, and both I and other people have confirmed that skill trees are now working for all of the main heroes. I need to sort out one minor-medium bug before I can push the update. :)

    8. Cant wait for that awesome update so I can start to make awesome starter saves.

  3. Steffen..... You are a legend :) thank you so much for your hard work. you are the man!

  4. Wooot :D

    I noticed a weird thing in game.

    If I give myself some items via the editor, then go ingame and pick up another of that item. It scrolls like mad on the lft of the screen.

    I gave myself 100 large med-kits, went in game and picked one up i randomly found and it then went nuts scrolling 100 times that I had picked up.

    If that makes any sense :p

  5. So if I want only certain skills from some trees, would I just click give all skills then remove the ones I don't want and using the left side character tree selector? Or do I have to get one skill tree at a time mod it then go back to the game, save then start the process over again?

    1. I know I'm not Steffen but the only thing you need to do is. Open the editor then just go to your skill trees after opening the save and just add the point to whichever skills you might want ten just save and replace your old save with the new one and BAM! done:) no need to adjust skills one at a time going back and forth from modding to game play!:)

  6. How do you get the characters on the starting page? Or is that for PC?

    1. What do you mean? Are you asking how to get your save into the save editor?

  7. Steffen! Your editor is absolutely amazing keep it up!! I will donate as soon as I get the chance!!:) Now the only question i have on the editor is, will there be some sort of update that will make the tweaks such as, infinite health/damage converts to stamina or the skills having more points than allowed in game actually work? Because right now none of the tweaks will work for me at all!:/

  8. i donated... i don't play dead island much but i think you deserve alot of credit the program is very easy and simple to use but it has everything you need. if anyone here hasn't donated yet you should.. its $1... the guy deserves it. and you get extra stuff... cant go wrong for $1

  9. you're the best steffen
