First, please let me apologize for any delays the recent days with responding to all of your messages. People are working nearby and digging in the ground. You know how well that can go with cables underneath. :)
Anyway, here's the current changelog and a screenshot!
Current changes
- Consequent game-saves opened will not change the active tab to the preview tab.
- Replaced the category lists with tree lists and added more detailed categories.
- DISE cannot categorize 3rd party/unknown items anymore based on their name, because the category lists have been redesigned. It could be partly re-implemented later, but only for some items if so.
- Simplified the UI for adding new items.
- Added a "good" preset for the item attributes.
- The "good" preset is used for newly added items by default.
- Rearranged the layout on the inventory tab.
- When searching for items, the list is updated as you type.
- (experimental) Display items' original owner (AI/NPC or not). These items were not meant for the player and may not work the way you expect.
Release packages
- 3 different zip archives are now provided:
- Full: Same contents as the installer (everything).
- Typical: Executable, assets, English game texts.
- Minimal: Executable only.

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