Thursday, October 17, 2013
Expired domain, news inside DISE
Saturday, August 31, 2013
A thank-you message from Steffen
このたびは、Dead Island Save Editor (デッドアイランド・セーブエディタ、通称 DISE)に興味をお持ちくださいまして、まことにありがとうございます。
DISE はフリーウェアですが、プロジェクトへの寄付を随時受け付けております。
寄付にご協力いただいた方には、そのお礼として premium license を提供しております。
DISE に関するご要望、ご質問を当ブログまたは e-mail でお寄せいただければ、回答可能なものに関してはお返事を差し上げております。
それでは今後とも DISE をよろしくお願い申し上げます。
English translation
To my precious DISE fans,Thank you very much for your interest in Dead Island Save Editor (a.k.a DISE).
DISE is provided as freeware, but donation to the DISE project is always welcome.
Those who have helped with a donation are entitled to receive the DISE premium license.
If you have any requests or questions, please leave comments on the DISE blog or simply e-mail me.
I will get back to you whenever possible (with some exceptions though).
Your continuous support for DISE is very much appreciated!
Developer: Steffen
Norwegian translation
Til mine kjære DISE-fans,Tusen takk for all din interesse for Dead Island Save Editor (også kalt DISE).
DISE er gratis, men en donasjon til DISE-prosjektet er alltid velkommen.
De som har hjulpet med en donasjon har rett til å motta en premium-lisens til DISE.
Dersom du har forespørsler eller spørsmål, vennligst legg igjen en kommentar på DISE-bloggen, eller enkelt og greit send meg en e-post.
Jeg vil svare deg så snart det er mulig (med noen unntak).
Din fortsatte støtte til DISE blir satt stor pris på!
Utvikler: Steffen
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Release: DISE v0.1.7.3
Note: There is some leftover Game Genie code, but this is only cosmetic. Game Genie is not required, so please disregard any popup messages about Game Genie.
- Disable "Save as" for PS3 save data since it's not supported, and set proper filter in file dialog.
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Release: DISE v0.1.7.2
- Show DLC prompt when adding BBQ Mod (PS3).
- Improved UI for ammo reserves (scroll and height).
- Fixed issue with detecting whether the game is DI or Riptide, and syncing Riptide profile with Steam Cloud.
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Friday, August 23, 2013
Release: DISE v0.1.7
Finally, this update brings FULL support for modding PlayStation 3 saves! Game Genie is NOT required!
DISE is the first free program to fully support modding Dead Island saves for PS3, and I'm proud to be the first to publicly crack and document the game's save data protection. My research can be used for other games as well, so feel free to check it out! :)
If you saw my previous post, you could see that a big problem blocked this release. Since my support request didn't get any replies, I replaced that exact feature with something else, and solved it. It's technical, so I shouldn't go much into detail.
DISE has been through a relatively long phase where support for Riptide and PS3 has been in development and under testing. I think this will be one of the last experimental updates for now, so that I can start pushing automatic updates again under the main/stable release channel.
Your help with testing DISE is much appreciated. Thank you! :)
- Implemented save data hashing function for PS3.
- Fixed wrong hashes being generated in PARAM.PFD.
- Disabled Game Genie integration.
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Monday, August 19, 2013
Modded DI saves without Game Genie? Yes you can!
I've cracked the extra security layer for Dead Island: Riptide saves! This means good-bye to Game Genie, and you will be able to mod PS3 saves as much as you want to, for free!
Feel free to read my research!
This is a major accomplishment for me, since I've for the first time done any PS3 reverse engineering. I've learned quite a bit in just one week! :)
When will the next release be?
Hopefully soon (within days). I've already implemented this, but I'm facing another critical problem. You can read more technical details about this issue on CyaSSL's community forum.Rough explanation of the security layer
The game uses a custom tamper protection in addition to encryption. While we could decrypt, mod and encrypt saves, the game just wouldn't load them. The reason is that the game keeps a hash of the saved file, and it's apparently a custom or an uncommon algorithm. This hash is verified by the game, so until now it could always know if the hash of the saved file wasn't exactly what it was supposed to be (then reject the save).This screenshot doesn't show everything, but what you see here is is a hint of victory. On the left, the PARAM.SFO file is for one saved profile is loaded in a hex editor, and shows the hash that was generated by the game. On the right is my code, and a console program showing my own generated hash, and they are identical!
Now that we can generate this hash, we can trick the game into believing that modded files are clean! :)
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Game Genie file IDs have changed again; encryption is broken
You can still use the old way of modding saves with DISE and Game Genie.
Hopefully, I'll sooner or later figure out a way to not need Game Genie.
The game (only on PS3) has an additional security layer that prevents modded saves from loading. All of my research is public.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Release: DISE v0.1.6.5 (for testing only)
Please see the previous posts for more details.
- Improved error handling when browsing saves on USB device (PS3).
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Thursday, August 8, 2013
How to edit saved game with DISE (PlayStation 3)
Note: Game Genie is NOT required anymore!
This video was made while DISE required Game Genie, but the only difference is that DISE won't ask you to use Game Genie now. :)

Release: DISE v0.1.6.4 (for testing only)
Please see the previous posts for more details.
- Improved Game Genie error handling.
- Updated Game Genie file IDs (why did they change anyway?).
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Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Release: DISE v0.1.6.3 (for testing only)
Please see the previous posts for more details.
- Fixed a problem where DISE could become stuck in updating mode (since the updating service is offline at the moment, this is likely to be a problem).
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Release: DISE v0.1.6.2 (for testing only)
Please see the post for the previous release for more details. Thank you for reporting issues! :)
- Avoided dependency on the OpenMP runtime DLL (vcomp110.dll).
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Release: DISE v0.1.6.1 (for testing only)
- This build will not be provided via automatic updates.
- You can manually install this version over v0.1 or later.
- The version number is temporary; it'll be v0.2 or v0.3 when the completed update is released.
- When using Game Genie, web requests are not sent asynchronously; they will block the UI, meaning DISE can appear to be frozen just for a few seconds during web requests, and when you close DISE (a request is sent to close the Game Genie session).
Current changes
- Improved stability when unpacking updates.
- Fixed possible memory leak and a possible crash during or after syncing with Steam Cloud.
- Mostly supports Riptide. This means that the standalone Riptide build is discontinued.
- Preview/Skills tab: Fixed not detecting when the game (DI/Riptide) has changed, and thus possibly displaying the wrong hero names.
- Preview tab: Fixed displaying the wrong hero picture for DI saves (not Riptide).
- Added Japanese in-game text from Japanese Riptide for PS3.
- Official support for PlayStation 3. Saves can be post-processed by Game Genie (US and EU) or pfdtool (not yet playable). Since Game Genie only supports Riptide, DI saves will not be playable. Default backup folder is in the root of your USB device (e.g. F:\dise_backups\). Files are zipped to save space.
- Fixed issue when switching release channel to a different one and back to the old one, where it would try to update to the same version in the same release channel.
Problem/Solution: This build of DISE depends on OpenMP: vcomp110.dll. Fixed in DISE v0.1.6.2.dise- | mirror (10.1 MB) | mirror (11.3 MB) | mirror (9.48 MB) | mirror (4.23 MB)
Monday, August 5, 2013
Next update will be a bit delayed, but even better (updated Aug 7, 2013)
Due to the problem mentioned in the previous post, and because I need to redesign (authentication/session handling) some things in order to support both the European and USA version of Game Genie, it's taking more time.
There's also a problem with the web server (a feature I had on the old server is missing on the new one), and is the reason why the auto-update service isn't working at the time. They've been looking at it for days, so I'm not sure how longer it will take. Until they fix it, you can update DISE manually.
There's a digital download version of the USA version, and one that includes a USB dongle. The EUR/USA digital download versions both work fine in DISE. I think it should be fine if you have the USB dongle as well, since it's only needed to activate Game Genie.
Update (Aug 6, 2013)
Game genie and multiple regions has been sorted out. It was a choice between doing a full redesign or making decent adjustments.. And the decision landed on neither of those, but instead writing really messy code that works, at the very least. :)The only thing that remains is the crash inside pfdtool. At this time, it looks more like a compiler/optimizer bug rather than a bug inside pfdtool.
Update (Aug 7, 2013)
Friday, August 2, 2013
New video showing off DISE with Game Genie (PS3)
Here's pretty much how it'll work in the next release of DISE.
Sadly, while this works well in the video, I'm having some problems I need to sort out before I can release the update. As soon as code optimization is turned on, some code inside pfdtool crashes for some reason (assuming you chose to not use Game Genie, the intgrated pfdtool will be used).

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Preview: Initial support for PS3 in DISE (updated Aug 2, 2013)
First of all, DISE will be able to encrypt saves properly using the Game Genie web service. As long as you have a valid Game Genie license installed, DISE will automatically retrieve what it needs to communicate with the Game Genie web service. What's left is integrating it into DISE.
Next, I've taken flatz' pfdtool and turned it into a reusable library (and avoided the existing GPL'd code). In combination with my own code to handle PFD/SFO, I can show you some progress with real data.
There's more work to do but I wanted to share this as soon as it was somewhat worth looking at. :)
Simplified process (and my integration progress)
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Updated July 28, 2013. |

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Open saved game directly from the USB device. |
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Saved data on the USB device. |
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Game Genie license is installed and can be used. |
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Game Genie license isn't installed, but is supported. |
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Using Game Genie to play modded saves on PS3
An anonymous user commented here and suggested Game Genie in addition to DISE.
Note: There's a European and US version, and I've confirmed that it allows you to play modded saves on the PS3 (Game Genie only supports Riptide at time of writing). I used the European version for the European version of Riptide.
Game Genie is not free, but it comes with a big bunch of cheats for other games as well.
Rough tutorial
First, you can use the Game-save helper tool and mod your save in DISE, then place your modded save back onto your USB drive (same as before).
Next, start up Game Genie, double-click the game to enter Quick Mode, then tick one of the cheats (e.g. Max Money). After applying the cheat, your save will be uploaded to a remote server, modded and sent back to you.
Quick Mode in Game Genie. |
What's left is copying the save from your USB drive to the PS3 (same as before). :)
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Release: DISE 0.1.6 (Riptide)
A side effect from the first issue below would make DISE write user preferences to the translated name of the registry key.
If you've been using a translation where the name of DISE was translated (e.g. Chinese), it may appear to you that the user preferences have been reset (they are just stored in a different place).
If you wish to fix this, just rename the (translated) key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Steffen L to "Dead Island Save Editor".
It's not a problem if you don't do it, so you may skip this process.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
- Fixed issue where it could be impossible to check for updates if the language was set to Chinese.
- Fixed issue where one wouldn't be able to delete updates if downloads were previously stopped.
- Updated translations: Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Japanese, Norwegian, French, Vietnamese.
- Disabled debug info and logging in release build.
- Display name of file and game in profile choice list.
- Display game logo (Riptide) in hero choice list.
- Fixed issue in XboxInternals: Trying to read non-STFS packages caused memory leaks, and files to become locked.
- Partial implementation of experimental algorithm for generating and looking up skill IDs for unknown skills.
- Experimental support for Ryder's skill trees. Not all of his skills seem to work (e.g. Hardened).
- When unlocking chapters in the profile, the correct number will be set in DI (18) and Riptide (13) profiles.
- Offer to split up large stacks of items when inputting the quantity, to prevent crashing the game.
- Fixed issue where inventory items and collectibles/mod blueprints without a friendly name couldn't be searched for in "Friendly name" display mode, and they were not sorted properly in lists.
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Monday, May 13, 2013
Release: DISE 0.1.5 (Riptide)
If you have issues with updating from DISE v0.1.4.2, please send a bug report, then temporarily fix the problem.
This is a big language update, and has other fixes as well. :)
- Fixed language not showing in DISE: Čeština (Czech).
- New languages:
- 日本語 (Japanese) (Special thanks to ステフェンの大切な人!)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese) (Thank you, eroneko!)
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese) (Thank you, Vito Zhang!)
- Added in-game text for languages Czech, Russian, Simplified Chinese (translated by 3DM) for Riptide.
- Display English and native language names in the language selection menu.
- Updated Norwegian translation.
- Fixed issue when English in-game texts where not installed.
- Fixed issue where viewing skill trees may not have updated some skills correctly the 2nd time you viewed them.
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Sunday, May 12, 2013
Easier modding for PS3
I've written and uploaded a simple tool and short guide that aims to make it really easy for people to mod DI saves. Please note that it doesn't magically fix the issues we're having.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Release: DISE (Riptide)
A crash report is not needed this time. Instead, please install DISE manually if updating crashes. After starting the new version, cancel the old update and delete it.
- Fixed crash when assets were not installed.
- Re-implemented old way to sort inventory items for DI saves. Riptide stores items differently.
- Marked Minigun as unsafe because it crashes the game.
- Updated credits. kill_seth kindly provided the list of IDs for the mod blueprints in Riptide.
- Improved auto-updating stability, especially for the people who have been experiencing crashes.
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Thursday, May 9, 2013
Release: DISE (Riptide)
If DISE crashes during updating, please send crash report! Thank you! :)
After you've done that, you may temporarily fix the problem.
- Fixed issues with canceling update installation.
- Slightly reduced flicker and graphical glitches on Skills tab.
- Store throwable weapons differently to solve issues with unequipping items.
- Display weapon proficiencies (read-only).
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Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Release: DISE 0.1.4 (Riptide)
If DISE crashes during updating, please send crash report! Thank you! :)
After you've done that, you may temporarily fix the problem.
- Enabled logging and debug info. Will hopefully help when people send crash reports after updating fails. Please send the report if DISE crashes! :)
- Fixed issue with updating skill tweaks UI when re-opening saves.
- Fixed minor issue where skill images would disappear after importing skills.
- Support exporting/importing unknown skills. Breaks compatibility with older versions of DISE. You can still import old files with this version of DISE.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Release: DISE (Riptide)
If needed, get help with problematic updates.
- Alcohol, medkits, regular ammo and cash/wallets (except LP_Broom, LP_Cigarette and LP_WalkieTalkie, which I have no idea what are) do not take any space in the backpack anymore. Simply load your save in DISE and re-save to fix this.
Release: DISE (Riptide)
If needed, get help with problematic updates.
An update a lot of people have waited for. Since I haven't yet tested everything, feedback is most welcome! :)
Please note: The skill tweaks that makes use of Ryder's skills will not work properly. It may not make much difference, but of course, please do report anything that doesn't work.
- The old skill tweaks should now work in Riptide.
Workaround for backpack capacity issue
For some reason, some things can take space in the inventory when they shouldn't (medkits and alcohol).
To work around this, you can spend points on the Deeper Pockets skills. All main heroes have this skill in the Survival tree. Each point gives +2 slots.
You can gain +160 slots (more if you're a premium user) by spending 16 points for all 5 main heroes' Deeper Pockets skill.
Release: DISE (Riptide)
If needed, get help with problematic updates.
I can understand if some people have been annoyed with how DISE didn't sync (Steam) Riptide saves, and didn't even find the game-saves if you used not-strictly-legal versions of the game (please buy the game). This update will hopefully make you more at ease. :)
If you have the game on Steam, make sure that the app IDs are setup as shown in the screenshot below.
- Support Steam Cloud syncing for Riptide.
- Prompt user when multiple game storage locations were found.
- Searches for game storage location for Riptide (RELOADED).
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Release: DISE (Riptide)
If needed, get help with problematic updates.
More ammo types are supported, but special ammo can actually only be modified by changing the quantity in your inventory (add the items if needed).
- Fixed unknown/unsupported skills not being reset when resetting everything.
- Special ammo (Nailgun, Harpoon, Flaregun) is saved correctly now, and doesn't take any space in the backpack. You can simply load your save in DISE, then re-save it to fix this.
- Implemented ammo (reserves) for Nailgun, Harpoon, Flaregun and Taser.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Release: DISE (Riptide)
If needed, get help with problematic updates.
This is a pretty good update if you need to edit your skill trees. In the previous update, DISE was very strict with skills because it had no idea what to do with unknown skills. Now, unknown skills will be ignored/untouched so that you can edit the known skills! This also means that having weapon proficiency skills is no problem, and probably also no issue if you have hex-edited your skills or used a different save editor!
- Better handling of unknown/broken skills. These are written back to the save untouched. Editing skill trees can now be allowed.
Boomerang, higher ammo cap, immortality (Riptide)
Here are a few "skill tweaks" you can try to make manually. They should work pretty much the same way as they did for Dead Island. :)
Thrown weapons always return
- Logan > Survival > Boomerang: 7
- Logan > Survival > Reliable Boomerang: 1
- Logan > Survival > Righteous Boomerang: 1
Boost ammo capacity
- Purna > Survival > Rain of Bullets: max
- Sam B > Survival > Motivation: 10
Release: DISE (Riptide)
If needed, get help with problematic updates.
Thanks for the continued support! Please report any crashes and other bugs. :) Thanks!
This is a rather large update, mostly featuring the new skill trees.
If you've edited your skill trees previously...
Please note that if you've edited your skill trees previously (using DISE or any other editor), DISE will most likely refuse to let you edit your skills until you reset your skills. This is to prevent breaking your current skill trees. The goal is for DISE to deal with skills correctly, and thus it has to be more strict.
Weapon proficiency skills
I still need to do more testing with weapon proficiency skills, but I think that the main skills work pretty well. For now, you may have to reset your skills if you have any of these skills, but only until I have enough info about them.
- Implemented skill trees for all of the main heroes in Riptide! Skill tweaks have not been updated yet.
- Worked around blank friendly name for collectibles (show internal/technical name).
- Fixed duplicate dev. craft blueprints.
- Recognize .prr (Riptide profile) files.
- Fixed some UI/paint glitches on Skills tab. Was noticable after resizing the window.
- New skill icons, hero image for John (in a separate update).
- Fixed error message "invalid map
key" when no in-game text files are installed. - Ryder's skill trees have no images now, and some skill names are broken, but I'll try to fix this later. It's because of the internal changes for handling text and images. Ryder's skill trees were not meant to be viewed by the player anyway, so the game devs didn't have to do a proper job.
- Disabled all code optimization because compiling DISE took way too long. Performance and file size is slightly affected.
- Some UI fixes related to skills/tweaks.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Solving error "invalid map<K, T> key"
This happens when you don't have the in-game text files. For the Riptide build of DISE, you need the following files in your (lang\<language>) folder:
- di-texts.bin
- di-texts-riptide.bin
Monday, April 29, 2013
Release: DISE (Riptide)
If needed, get help with problematic updates.
- Implemented (rocket) launcher ammo (reserves).
- Fixed attempting to write section 106 to DI saves, causing a crash.
- Fixed sniper rifle not being in the "Rifle" category.
- Added new item categories on the inventory tab.
- Fixed special ammo (nail, flare, harpoon) not showing up in the Ammo category.
- Implemented new collectibles. Both on the Mods/Collectibles tab and the mod selector for weapons.
- Fixed keyboard shortcut for toggling naming mode not working before opening the menu first.
- Fixed text displayed if no weapon mod is used
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Riptide builds <= will crash when saving DI saves
You can use v0.1.2 in the meantime if you don't need Riptide support.
Also, DISE always backups up saves to the "dise_backups" folder. Nothing is lost. :)
List of Riptide collectibles
There is also a separate list of inventory items.
Release: DISE (Riptide)
If needed, get help with problematic updates.
- Fixed embarrassing bug introduced in previous release. Xbox saves would be saved properly, but not be kept as STFS packages.
Fixing your Xbox save back into a CON/STFS package
If you were affected by the Xbox save bug in the previous release, you can easily fix it:
To move your save properly back to your USB device, go to the "(File) Contents" tab after opening the save you have already on your USB device, in Horizon/Modio, and replace your save there. You may need to rehash/resign Horizon/Modio.
Sorry about this!

Saturday, April 27, 2013
Release: DISE (Riptide)
If needed, get help with problematic updates.
Warning: Apparently, saving STFS packages is a little broken in this release (sorry). Please use this until I fix it, or try an older release.
FIX COMING UP in about 15 min. I was careless, sorry.
- Added option to toggle item naming type (friendly/technical) from main menu, or with keyboard shortcut.
- Fixed bug that disallowed importing/exporting if the opened file was an STFS package (Xbox 360).
- Added importing/exporting of collectibles.
Release: DISE (Riptide)
If needed, get help with problematic updates.
- If in-game text for an inventory item is blank/empty, display the internal/technical name; fixes some blank names.
- Updated in-game texts for Riptide. Languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Polish. Fixes wrong chapter names, etc.
Release: DISE (Riptide)
If needed, get help with problematic updates.
Due to great demand, this small update fixes the sniper rifle not showing up in DISE.
- Fixed sniper rifle not showing up.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Release: DISE (Riptide)
If needed, get help with problematic updates.
- Added inventory items from Riptide (not collectibles yet). Friendly names have not been updated yet, so some items do not have proper names. Some items also have blank names. You can switch the naming mode to "Technical name" in Preferences > Naming.
- After user confirms to use Riptide release channel, makes sure the update-check is done even if auto-updating is disabled. Changed the text slightly.
List of Riptide inventory items
Some people requested a list of items, so here you go. You can add the items using "Add custom item".
There is also a separate list of collectibles.
Just a little injury and maybe delays
Hello, and thank you for the continued support! Because the majority of you probably don't read my few tweets, here you go...
After coding too much without sleep, I've somehow managed to injure my secondary arm. Needless to say, I need to take it easy for a bit and not type so much. This means means I probably will not be on the public/private chat much, but will try to respond to e-mails and comments on the blog (but not for chit-chatting).
I'll be working as much as I can, behind the scenes. :)
Thursday, April 25, 2013
If DISE 0.1 or later crashes during updating, try this
This is the registry key to delete:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Steffen L\Dead Island Save Editor\Update\ProgressFile
You can also use the manual download link in case updating fails.
Try to make note of whether your Windows account name has non-ASCI/Unicode characters in it. While I'm not sure, chances are that those characters are not handled properly. For example this may be the case if the text contains Russian characters. To attempt solve this, try to install DISE to a different location.Release: DISE 0.1.2 and (Riptide)
Dual release this time! You can easily update from within DISE, or use these links for now:
v0.1.2 is the stable build, like before, without Riptide support. v0.1.2.1 has limited Riptide support. This means, the same features that are in the original game are mostly working, but most of the new in-game content (weapons, skills, etc) is not yet in DISE. Of course, it's a new game, and even the old stuff may work differently in the new game.
Here's how to switch between the stable build and the unstable Riptide build:

If the unstable build is too unstable for you, simply switch back to the main release channel. If DISE does not prompt to update/downgrade, go to (main menu) > Help > Check for updates.
- Added option to let you switch release channels, and asks if you wish to switch over to early Riptide builds. The last update went a little wrong, so here is an improved one.
- This is an early build that has limited support for Riptide. Most features work, but in-game content has not yet been put into DISE.
Thank you so much for the support! :D
I'm so excited about improving DISE, and of course supporting Riptide. With all of your cooperation and heartfelt donations, you have my big and warm THANK YOU SO MUCH! :D
Quite a bit of progress has been made so far, and thanks to daring people in the public chat room, DISE -- or the catchy name given by its fans, RISE -- was tested quite a bit this/last night. At this time, DISE can modify most of the important things; however, not all of the game content has been put into DISE yet. It doesn't really prevent you from adding Riptide weapons to your inventory, as long as you know the internal name of the items and use the "custom item" feature. The new skill trees are not supported yet, but you can still edit the old trees and hope it works out alright.
Will see if I can release an update for everyone in a bit. :)
Riptide update #1
Yes, I'm still working on it, and I've added hero level data and such into DISE. This is all that is needed for DISE to not crash while loading saves, but there's one problem I need to sort out before I can release this early build.
Now I just have to deal with this kind of silly problem that didn't exist a few days ago. :|

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Release: DISE 0.1
Doesn't support Riptide yet, but I'm working on it. Better to release a "stable" update first. :)
I'll try to get links up here soon, but you may update within DISE right now.
- New languages: Finnish, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Vietnamese, Turkish, Czech (was either missing in the installer before, or it was a bug that it was displayed at all). Not completely up-to-date with this release yet.
- Added Japanese in-game texts from the DI Zombie of The Year edition (PS3).
- New auto-updating system. It has been completely rewritten with a new look, and to somewhat allow updating DISE and components individually. If updates fail during installation, they will be rolled back. Uses encrypted/secure connections (SSL) thanks to CyaSSL by wolfSSL.
- The executable is now digitally signed! This will hopefully reduce anti-virus false positives over time, and the signature can also be checked to see if the executable has been tampered with.
- Stripped lots of texts not needed in the di-texts.bin files and optimized them a bit to save space. Original unpacked size for all languages: ~15. New size: ~3 MB.
- Redesigned most of the About dialog box, updated credits.
- Potentially "unsafe" items are hidden by default under "Add item", and always shown in the inventory lists. These are items that can prevent normal gameplay. An icon is displayed next to these items. Under "Add item", toggle by right-clicking the list > Show unsafe items.
- Fixed bug where attempting to repairing all items could "repair" items that cannot be repaired. Enhanced so that it will fix the condition for items that cannot be repaired.
- Sync the required level for all weapons in your inventory with your character's current level.
- Fixed throwable weapons not properly categorized as weapons.
- Resolved issue #13: Move skill tweaks to a more obvious place.
- Added a brief readme.txt.
- Added changelog.txt.
- Xbox game-saves will be displayed on the character selection screen assuming the game storage location is set in Preferences.
- STFS packages are loaded immediately, bypassing the integrated package viewer. The file is repackaged and rehashed/resigned when saving. This wouldn't have been possible at this point without the XboxInternals library by Adam Spindler and Stevie Hetelekides.
- Open from USB device without any 3rd party programs (Horizon/Modio); however, DISE cannot save back to device yet, so a 3rd party program is still needed.
- Fixed bug #12: Painting outside the map paints the opposite side.
- Fixed the ugly stripes that are mostly visible after zooming in or out.
- Map names uses in-game text, so they will be translated assuming they are in the game already.
Sorry for not having links right now. You can however update from within DISE.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Support for Riptide
The file format is almost the same; just a few changes and additions for Riptide.
Game-saves for the Steam copy of the game have the file extension "sar" rather than "sav", but nothing's different about the compression. For some reason, the game's app ID is the same (in my case) as the first game game (why, when it's a different game?). Because of this, the saves are stored in the same folder, and I guess that's one reason why they chose "sar" to not conflict with the old naming. May I guess that the "r" simply stands for "Riptide"?
DISE and Riptide
DISE v0.0.55.34 doesn't support Riptide at all since the file format is a bit different. I'll release v0.1 soon, but I've only just started working on Riptide. It may be better to keep a stable version of DISE, and an unstable one for Riptide, so I'll need to find a way to do this properly.I'll give out a bit more info in the coming days. :)
Trainer and Riptide (PC only)
Someone on the chat mentioned a trainer for Riptide, and allegedly, it costs money as well. As long as one can try it first, I don't have much to say; however, mine will always be free, and I think this is enough to motivate me to support Riptide. :)Teaser?
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Upcoming website downtime (update)
Suddenly, the site somehow couldn't be connected to anymore. Nothing seemed to be wrong during and right after migration. After several days of downtime, it has now apparently fixed itself, and I'm not even a bit more clever about how this happened. Thought the DNS config was wrong (even though it had been working fine), but now it's working yet again. *facepalm*
Friday, April 12, 2013
DISE and PS3 game-saves
Since someone asked me recently, I'll share this with everyone. DISE can edit PS3 saves with a little effort. I have however not been able to make the modded save work on the PS3. If any of you get it working, please do let me know the right way to do it! :)
I'll assume that you know how to extract your copy-protected files from the PS3 and decrypt them. DI saves are protected while Riptide saves are not. The game-save folder is /dev_hdd0/home/<user>/savedata/<title ID>-SG-SAVE_<save number>
Roughly explained
After you have your decrypted files, look in the file COJ2-DSC
. Take the 32-bit big-endian number in it and truncate the file COJ2-DAT
to this number (most of the zeros at the end are removed). Again: if the number is 350/0x15e
, make sure that the size of the file COJ2-DAT
is 350/0x15e
. You can then load it in DISE and mod it.
Game-save helper tool
This involves using a tool I made for a single purpose: helping you mod your PS3 save. The tool decrypts your save and prepares it for modding, and finalizes it when you're done modding. It does *not* magically fix the issues we've been having already. Python source code included in the zip archive.
I've currently only tested this tool with Riptide (and obviously it's not working yet).What the tool does
Prepares your save for modding
- Decrypts COJ2-DAT and COJ2-DSC using pfdtool.
- Uses the number in COJ2-DSC to truncate COJ2-DAT.
Finalizes your save after modding
- Updates the number in COJ2-DSC.
- Appends zeroes to COJ2-DAT to make the file size 8 KB.
- Encrypts COJ2-DAT and COJ2-DSC using pfdtool.
Game-save helper for Dead Island (PS3). Use this tool along with DISE to mod your save. Run "helper.exe" in the Command Prompt. See usage help below. Author: Steffen André Langnes Uses flatz' pfdtool for encryption/decryption. Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) Usage -------------------------------------------------------------------------- helper <base dir> <command> Base dir: The directory where your files are located. Command: p (prepare for modding), f (finalize modding). Files needed ------------------------------------------------------------------- - COJ2-DSC - COJ2-DAT - PARAM.PFD Stored on the PS3 in the following directory: /dev_hdd0/home/<user>/savedata/<title ID>-SG-SAVE_<save number> Examples ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Prepare your save for modding: helper BLES01739-SG-SAVE_0 p Finalize your modded save: helper BLES01739-SG-SAVE_0 f
How to use (in pictures)
![]() |
Extract the tool and your save somewhere. Hold down Shift on the keyboard and right-click inside this folder, then Open command window. Users of Windows XP can use the CmdHere Powertoy by Microsoft, or press Win+R, run "cmd" and use the "cd" command to navigate to the folder. |
![]() |
Prepare your save (decrypts the files and truncates the DAT file). |
![]() |
Mod your save in DISE. |
![]() |
Finalize your modded file (fixes the number in the DSC file, adds trailing zeros to the DAT file and then re-encrypts the files). |
How to prepare your PS3 save for DISE using hex editor
Programs: PS3 Bruteforce Save Data, Hex Workshop.
Decrypt the DAT and DSC file. Select both files and click "Decrypt PFD". |
Open the DSC file into your hex editor and make note of this number (in this example, 0x1D8 or 472). |
Open the DAT file in your hex editor and go to a specific offset (Ctrl + G). Input the number you noted earlier. |
Select everything from here until the end (Ctrl + Shift + End). |
Delete the selection and save the file. It can now be loaded in DISE. |
Friday, March 29, 2013
Finally more love for Xbox users! (update)
DISE has so far been more convenient for users of the PC game. Xbox support came 2nd, but I didn't forget you. Development of STFS support has just been slow and difficult, so what you got was very basic.
You currently need to fiddle with Horizon, Modio or similar and the "(File) Contents" tab, and it can be confusing if you're new to it or if you're used to other editors saving you time. Some people have gone as far as calling DISE a joke because they thought it didn't work.
While Horizon/Modio will still be needed for a while longer, I aim to make the next version of DISE shave off the confusing part. You should no longer have to fiddle with the "(File) Contents" tab in Modio/Horizon.
This means that you should be able to drag'n'drop the ~60 KB STFS/CON file into DISE (like before), and DISE will load up your save immediately, bypassing the integrated Xbox Content Package Viewer. DISE should also repackage the file, rehash and resign it.
This can now be possible with the XboxInternals library written by Adam Spindler and Stevie Hetelekides.
Tons of credit goes to these guys! :)
Update #1 - March 29: There's progress already!
At time of writing, DISE displays Xbox saves on the character selection screen when the game storage location is set in Preference, loads STFS packages immediately, and even repacks them! Not including the rehashing and resigning just yet, but I'm getting to that next :)
Update #2 - March 29: Rehashing/Resigning works!
DISE now rehashes and resigns as expected. I'm not using just any random keyvault, and I have Stan464 to thank for providing it! :)
Update #3 - April 3: Preview
While I was at it, I started experimenting with USB devices as well. This will be in the next version of DISE, but won't save back to the USB device just yet. The UI isn't super pretty but it's a start. :)
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
DISE will be powered by CyaSSL
While I continue (slowly but surely) working to finish the new auto-updating system for DISE, the next version will provide more security for you all. DISE will use secure, encrypted connections to the server, using CyaSSL.
What is CyaSSL?
A feature-packed embedded, lightweight SSL library written in ANSI C, for developers to use in their applications. Actively developed by wolfSSL (previously yaSSL).
CyaSSL supports current industry standards, has a great feature set while still ~20 times smaller than OpenSSL, can boast a dramatic performance gain compared to OpenSSL, and more.
Check out their product page for more a more complete list of features.
What do I like about it?
Big in features, small in size
Perfect when our precious bytes matter. Less bloat, meaning faster downloads for you, more bandwidth/money saved for me, and small enough for embedded systems.
Official support for a load of different operating systems, including, but not limited to: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS and Android. While most of us probably care about only some of these at the moment, the list has actually just barely begun.
I suggest checking out their product page for a more complete list of officially supported operating systems.
It's important for embedded systems and other low-performance systems, and even real-time networking applications such as online games. Not very important for DISE, but I have no reason to reject extra "oomph".
OpenSSL compatibility layer
In short, OpenSSL is another SSL/crypto library. I tried it and my application gained ~2 MB of fat. CyaSSL doesn't contain fat.
The compatibility layer aims to help migrating existing applications from OpenSSL to CyaSSL. It does this by mapping a subset of the most commonly-used OpenSSL functions to CyaSSL's native ones. Even if you use 3rd party networking libraries that were made with OpenSSL in mind, chances are that you can simply replace OpenSSL with CyaSSL, without changing much code.
The company
I've talked to them and they are nice people. My impression is that they are serious, and they really care about their products and their users. I think that those are great traits.